chapter 35 Bella

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"Thanks so much," I whispered to Heria

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"Thanks so much," I whispered to Heria.

"What did she say?" Joshua whispered nudging my arm.

"She said she'll help us as long as she can come with us."
"I'll take your sword."
"You wouldn't."
"Try me."

We both glared at eachother until he finally gave in. I smiled and told Heria all about my experience in the arena.

"Stop talking or you'll bored her to death before we move," Joshua said eating a cookie out of my bag. Before I said anything my hands tackled Joshua's arm and he yelped.

"Hey!" Joshua screamed kicking me off.

"That is my cookie give it back!" I screamed all the while trying to attack his hand with the cookie.

Before I could get a hold of the cookie he shoved it in his mouth and smiled.

"Okay we'll have to do this the hard way," I whispered to myself.

My hands loosened on Joshua as he pulled away from me. I moved my hands around in a circular motion and paused them in front of Joshua. He started to tremble and gag as I made a disgusted face at him.

"You now have plenty of greens," I said as he threw up my cookie.

"What did you do to me?" He asked still gagging.

"I wanted my cookie so I planted a cabbage in ur stomach so you would puke it back up," I told him. "And besides I noticed you needed some greens."

He looked at me confused. Tilted head and pulled in eyebrows. His mouth still open from gagging too.

"Why would you do that?" He asked sitting back.

"I... I... I don't know... something just took over me," I said shaking my head. It didn't feel like something did. For some reason it felt real, but it wasn't. That wasn't me.

"I made her do that," Heria said while  packing some supplies for the trip.

"Excuse me!" I yelled, "Why would you do that?"

"To see if you were strong enough," she said.
"For what?"
"For what lies ahead of course."
"You make no sense."
"I know."
"You don't know do you?"
"Know what?!"
"Julie Ann wants you for your power and will do what it takes to get you."
"What does that have to do with taking over my actions?"
"If she takes over your body you need to know how to control it or your brain will be turned to mush permanently."

I starred at Heria for a long, while mouth wide open. Joshua sat beside me doing the same thing.

I told Joshua I was sorry and we all went to sleep.

The night was cold and harsh. Dreams left my brain leaving nightmares to swallow my brain. One scarred me the most.


It was black. Not colored black. Then a light appeared. It was Luke smiling at me in the middle. I ran to hug him, but when I got there he tried to attack me. A knife swatted at my face and arm. Julie Ann appeared behind him looking down at me.

Suddenly Lauren was doing the same thing instead she caught the knife in my shoulder and kicked my knees. I laid down half dead in the mist of black and white.

Julie Ann walked over to me and slapped my face making it burn in flames and suffering. Then Joshua popped up behind Julie Ann and killed her. Lauren and Luke disappeared with Julie Ann making red tears flood my face. Still laying on the floor Luke ran to me pulling my body over his shoulders.

Then I woke up.

Joshua shaking my shoulders and pouring water on my face made me want to smack and hug him at the same time.

"Are you okay?" He asked giving me some warm soup.

"Ya, just a nightmare," I answered as our hands entertwined again. This time his hand was cold and soft. I didn't care it was comforting.

"Hello everyone!" Heria yelled making me and Joshua jump and not hold hands, "Ready to start the day?"

"I'd rather start some cookies," I murmured to myself.

"Look if you want to get your friends back and save the world then..." I interrupted, "I'm not saving the world, I'm saving my friends then going back to my normal life okay."

She looked at me with intense eyes and a cold heart. Our eyes locked and killed the noise with silent minds.

"You will fulfill the prophecy," she said out of the silence.

"What prophecy?" I asked.

"The one where you defeat Julie Ann,"  Joshua whispered in my ear.


hope you like my story so far. Please comment any thoughts and vote.

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