Chapter 25 Bella

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I prepared for battle with armor on and practicing my magic

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I prepared for battle with armor on and practicing my magic. Ice flew off my hands and into the air floating around like bubbles. I smiled as a tear rolled off my face. It wasn't a happy tear, it was a cold harsh angry tear. I wiped it away as my fingers froze by the touch of it. I turned white as a picture of me and my friends dieing in a few hours. Why did I have to be picked. Out of millions of women and girls I, me, had to be picked.

"Are you okay?" Lauren asked, "You look like a ghost costume from Halloween except your all natural." I smiled and she hugged me. All I know is I will find away for Lauren to live even if it means taking a bullet for her.

Her jokes made me feel like jello. Her smile made me feel warm. She is one of the only people who knew my secret.

Now tears poured down my face making my vision blurry. All I saw was outlines of small pictures now barely making out people. Lauren touched my shoulder wiping the tears off my cheeks. She pushed my shoulder down making me sit in a chair while she stood above me. Her eyes looked into mine with joy. She struggled to open her mouth. Until she finally said, "I hope you and Luke win."

My faint smile faded away even more. I held back draining tears as I hugged her for a long 8 seconds untill Diana walked into the room. Hers eyes followed around the room then to me and finally to Lauren. She made a slight unwilling face and sat down.

"One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change," she told me and Lauren. Her eyes glowed as she slowly walked back out the door.

"Who is she?" Lauren asked.

"She is one of my trainers, we'll one of my weirdest ones but she really helps," I said with a grin.

"I think she would be the perfect wife for Shakespeare," Lauren insisted with a chuckle. I just nudged her and stood up off the chair.

"5 hours until the girls," A voice boringly said over the intercom.

My heart pounded out for my chest leaving my body behind to suffer the horrible arena. Since Crystal came back I have to go into the arena now.

My mustles tensed as Lizzy and Claire walked by me with armor on and small evil smiles on their faces. I gulped down spit that built up inside my mouth. They left as the spit trickled down my throat. A frown was covering my face as scars filled the open areas from training.

Lauren brought me to the training room where we punched bags and broke wood.

All of this was grand, but I still didn't feel ready. We even have to kill and skin our own food. To me I'd rather go get some takeout at Burger King.

By the end of another hour they called to tell us 4 hours. Me and Lauren went to go pack our bags for the arena. We were only aloud to bring a water bottle, bag, few snacks, pocket knife, blanket, pillow, and 2 medications that are the most important to us.

Once me and Lauren were done packing we sent our bags to the inspection room where they will give us our bags one minute before it's time to go out. After we dropped our bags off at the room we went to the cafeteria to eat a huge lunch before entering the death zone. I had chicken, beef, a salad, 3 bags of chips, 5 cokes, 1 water, strawberries, watermelon, ice cream, and fish. My mouth stuffed as much food in at once before the next call. When they did call for 3 hours I downed my beef, salad, ice cream, 3 cokes, and 2 chips.

30 minutes later I finished it all. My belly ached as food pushed it's way down into my stomach.

Me and Lauren went off to the workout room to work some of it off when we saw Lizzy and Claire eating in their room. They were watching T.V. with food stuffed in their mouths.

As we approached the workout room we saw Nick in their stretching his mustles for tomorrow. Lauren blushed a brighter shade of red each step we took to get down there. It was only five steps, but she looked like a strawberry with hair at the last step.

Nick waved his hand at us as we lifted some of the waits next to the yoga mats.

After the waits I took the treadmill while Lauren did some curlups next to Nick. It seemed like I walked for hours on the treadmill. The whole time I looked at my dolphin who was in passive state on my forearm. The animal was grey. In a position that made you think, why? It confused me. Not that I've ever been in a passive state or anything, but I would like to know what it would be like.

The whole time I thought and thought about what it would be like to do that.

By the end of my 7.68 mile walk, they lady called again for 2 hours.

A long chill ran down my back and I jumped off the treadmill turning it off.

When I walked over to Lauren my stomach felt normal and I felt great. Then reality hit me and my happiness dissolved into thin air. Once I got close enough to Lauren I saw the tears in her eyes. Nick rubbed them off as each one trickled down her cheek. They were cute together. I had to admit it. Usually I would keep my distance from Nick, but now I figured out he is a real nice guy. My feelings felt mixed as I want to win in the arena, but I also want Lauren to win too.

Yestarday I asked crystal if there could be more then one winner. She looked at me strange and said no. "If you want there to be more than one winner you bring them to life after the games which is a long quest, or stay in the arena forever never ageing," When she told me this I was furious. My hands grew into a fist and I ran out the door.

Nick and Lauren were sitting next to the water jug. They left the curlups right before the lady called for 2 hours.

I walked over to them and sat down beside Lauren. Tears ran down my face. Except Luke was off with Rika training for tomorrow. I wanted his comfort. The time I really need it he is never there. The only bad part is he is going to see me die.

If your not in the games there are invisible windows that will allow you to watch the the contestants, but the contestants can't see the window or you.

We sat there for another hour starring off into blank space wondering how our life's will change.

What will my parents do?

I let he thought sink in as the lady called for us to go into the room for preparations.

Me and Lauren said our goodbyes to Nick who was now crying in the corner of the workout room.

The walk was fairly long considering we had to walk to Luke's room so I could say goodbye to him too.

Once we got their it was silent between all 4 of us. Each of us had our animals in passive state which ment no beginning harm to me.

Crystal was in the center of the room inspecting our armor and giving us our bags. She told us to stand on the correct marking of our element or we will die before the games even begin.

She also said that when we get in there, there will be weapons in the center of the arena. Our powers will only activate if our animal are out of passive state. Sweat dripped from my forehead as a blinding light came into view.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

The platform underneath me moved. Lauren disappeared from my view and all I saw was earth. The platform stopped and my vision focused on the weapons about 30 feet in front of me. I ran for them. My legs stumbled around as I noticed something as my heart beat quickened.

I was actually in the arena.

Thanks everyone for all the support. This is the end of the 1st part. Don't worry I'll be back. The 2nd part will take a little while but have no fear it will be hopefully done soon. Hope yall like this chapter. Please vote and comment.

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