chapter 23 Luke

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I yawned as my hand hit the alarm clock to turn it off

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I yawned as my hand hit the alarm clock to turn it off. My shark also yawned while I walked past it to go into the dressing room.

I put on my training suit and walked back out. The suit was undescribavly uncomfortable. It was too tight everywhere. Black leather lined the outer rims where my legs and hands where making me look taller than I actually am.

"What are we doing today?" My shark, Glover, asked as he swam to me in his bubble.

"First I would like to say high to Bella before training," I explained, "Then it's off to hardcore training."

Glover rolled his eyes at me and swam to the door. My hands fumbled around to put things into my bag as a knock at the door came.

"Who is it!" I asked looking at Glover.

"Guess," the voice yelled back. I thought for a moment. It sounded familiar, tremendously familiar. I jumped 800 feet in the air as the door slammed open to be a young boy standing in the doorway.

"You take forever," he whined. I got up t9 face him as I checked off everything on my bag list.

Food, water, money, weapon, clothes, blanket, aid kit, and some random stuff.

My trainers always told me to bring more than expected, you'll never know what might happen.

"Ben, I'll be at training in a little bit," I explained to the boy and walked out of my room. Ben followed me with curiosity seen from a mile away.

"Why?" He asked, "Tell me or I'll tell Lucas." I stomped my foot on his and stopped in the hallway starring into his eyes.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked him.
"Can I not know?"
"Please I would like my own privacy."
"Please, I promise I won't tell anyone else."
"I'm meeting up with my wife, Bella."
"Oh, fancy."
"Stop it!"

We walked on down the hallway in silence. Past the training room, past the lunchroom and a long strate path to her room. With Ben it felt like hours, but it was only 3 minutes, 27 seconds, and 49 milliseconds. Yes, I timed it.

When we got to Bella's room I stood there like an idiot looking at the door.

"What are you waiting for?" Ben whispered loud enough for me to hear.

I didn't answer. Really, I couldn't answer. I had no solution. I got tense and wouldn't move. The thought of Bella again brought me nightmares.

What if we aren't friends anymore because of the wedding?
What about the arena?
Will I or even Bella die?

These thoughts brought tears to my face and I lowered my hand from the knocking position. Ben looked at me with the weirdest face on and knocked on the door.

I suddenly wiped the tears away and looked straight out. Before Bella came to the door I kneeled Ben right in the gut and he ran off.

The door slowly opened and I froze in fear. It wasn't Bella it was a middle aged women with wrinkles in her face.

"Who are you?" She asked me.

"Me? I...Uh...Um...Am....Luke...Bella's wife," I finally got out of me.

She examined me closely then let me in. Bella was on her bed reading a book. As I got closer I saw that the book was the Hunger Games.

Every step I took brought more tenderness to my body. Finally she looked up from her book and our eyes met. She smiled and ran toward me almost falling out of bed in the process. She kissed my cheek as she hugged me. It was a warm greetings hug that made me feel happy.

"I missed you... so much," she said between sobs. I just hugged her back and smiled.

Her hug was warm and cozy. Not the kind in the movies, but like one that makes you wonder why a girl this nice, pretty, kind, etc would like me. Somehow she sees something in me that even if don't see.

"Oh...I have to go to training, sorry," she said with a sad face. The middle aged women left bellas room.

Before I left she kissed me on the cheek again and showed me her spirirt animal. It was a dolphin. The shiny skin shined beautifully in the L.E.D lights. My shark swam up to her dolphin and they touched noses. It looked like they liked eachother, but me and Bella just laughed.

Once me and Bella hugged for the last time she waved goodbye and I motioned for Glover to follow me out of Bella's room.

Before I walked out of the room Bella fell to the floor. I spun around to see if she was okay. Then I saw it.

A knife hit her in the arm.

Sorry for taking so long to finish. Hope you like it anyway. Please vote and comment.

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