chapter 30 Bella

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Sweat dripped down my face as I froze the work pannel

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Sweat dripped down my face as I froze the work pannel. Everything stopped mid way. The platforms the boys were on stopped and smiled. I did it.

Once the intercom come came on I ran into my room and laid down. My heart raced as Crystal came into my room.

"I know you don't want him to die," Crystal started, "but if he doesn't go into that arena safe he might die."

I starred into space. Then I finally shook my head yes and moved my hands around in space. After a few seconds the ice in the tunnels disappeared. More tears filled my eyes and my vision blurred. All of my thoughts were set on Luke and Lauren. Lauren's death and Luke's future death blocked my mind from any happy thoughts to pass through. It burned and burned my skull until I screamed and fell asleep.

When I woke up Laurky was licking my face. Her tounge was wet and warm.

"Stop... Stop!" I yelled joyfully.

Her slippery otter skin snuggled up to my arm and I kissed her tiny little head.

I'm glad you didn't die. I told her telepathically.

She just licked my cheek again and fell asleep.

"Lunch time Bella!" Crystal yelled in my face waking me up.

"I'll be there in a few days," I grumbled sarcasticly.

"Just be there soon please," she said seriously and went out of my room.

I scrambled out of Laurky's grip and slipped on some shoes. I went out of the door as she followed me with a pitter patter to her step.

On the way to the lunch room I saw the windows that look out to the arena and I walked over to them. My eyes wondered around until I found Luke. He was in a bush with Nick. Joshua was alone behind Braydon with a knife. But Braydon was behind Luke with triple knifes. I tried yelling out to save him. The glass just bounced my call back into the room and down the stairs.

Braydon was getting closer and closer to Luke. His evil smile was scary in all sorts of ways. Then it happened. Luke was dead.

I screamed bloody mureder and ran to the lunch room in tears.

"What happened to you?" Penelope asked.

I starred at her with furry as my eyes told everything. Luke and Braydon danced from my eyes to hers. Once the sequence of the matter was drowning her brain also she started eating her beans.

The beans were green with cheese on top of them. On the side was mac-cheese sword shaped figures.

"You know your arena time was probably one of the quickest ones ever," Crystal said with beans stuffed in her mouth.

"Please shut your mouth next time," Diana yelped making a throw up face to make us laugh.

Everyone laughed but me. The image on Luke's face right before he died was terrifying. His eyes were wide, mouth like a watermelon. Then in almost less than a second his expressions dissappeared and he turned grey. Blood drained from the wound, of course I didn't see what happened next but I hope Braydon dies.

"Hey ghost women are you going to eat that?" Crystal asked with even more food in her mouth.

I shook my head and she dug into my food like a monster. Cheese stained her perfect clear skin as she gave me my plate back. All that was left on it was left over stains that didn't quiet make it to her face. I chuckled a little bit and left the table. When I stood up Diana put one hand on my shoulder and said, "Be fearless in the persuit of what sets your soul on fire." I smiled as he put a small like life in my hand.

"This is your spirit weapon," she whispered, "Everyone has one that the arena gave to them, but I it gets into the wrong hands the world is at state."

I gulped as my fingers closed around the blade. My feet staggered across the room then out the door and into the hallway.

I opened up my fingers to look at the weapon. It was a knife with all sorts of weird things around it that didn't make since to me. As I ran my index finger along the blade small droplets of red ran down my finger and I laughed knowing it really worked. Before I went on I folded the blade into a pocket knife position ND shoved it in my pocket.

I watched Braydon, who was behind another bush try to attack Joshua,but instead Nick jumped in to save him

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I watched Braydon, who was behind another bush try to attack Joshua,but instead Nick jumped in to save him. It was a bruttle fight between them. Knifes and swords flung either which way and then Nick died too. Braydon was sticking poisoness vines all over his body and it drained him to powerless. He was dead.

Braydon smiled with joy with his new powers. He then turned to Joshua who was now running threw the tall grass away from Braydon.

I was now rooting for Joshua.

I hope yall like my version of the spirit hunger games. Please vote. Plaese comment.
THANKS 🍍🍌🍍🍌🍍🍌🍍🍌🍍🍌

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