chapter 36 Heria

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My horse reared back then ran as fast as it could forward

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My horse reared back then ran as fast as it could forward.

Bella and Joshua followed closely behind me. Their horses horseshoes clanked on each tree root that came into view.

"Just a few more hours!" I yelled back.

"Wait... Ugh!" Yelled Joshua.

"Shut up!" Bella screamed smacking Joshua as her horse ran past him.

"Both of yall shut up or we'll be killed," I yelled only loud enough for them to hear.

Bella's horse ran up to mine then slowed down to match the pace. We road in silence for seconds, then minutes, finally and hour.

"Are we there yet?" Bella whined.

"We are here," I answered with a slight smile.

My hands slowly pushed my body off the horse and onto the grass. Bella's eyes widened as she examined the terrain.

Tress flooded the right and left while bushes covered the left over space. A house stood in the middle of mossy rocks. Diamonds filled the stone house's door. Then a huge clock piled in the middle of the door.

"Where is here exactly?" Bella asked getting off her horse. Joshua followed Bella's lead to tie their horses to a nearby log.

"We are at the place that can help you get your friends..." before I could finish speaking a tiger flew at my head and I sprung into action. Bella froze in mid step as a parrot popped on her head. Joshua smacked the parrot making Bella duck and the parrot iced. Bella pulled put her knife and cut a kangaroo in half, while I killed a rabbit and a wolf.

A puff of black smoke filled all of our visions. I held my nose as Bella and Joshua vanished in the smoke.

"Well, well, well," A voice said, "I never thought you would be doing this.

Then I recognized it. The evil tone and the weird croak. Before I could even respond a knife hit my stomach and I fell back words on top of Bella. She fell to her knees but quickly retreated to her feet looking down at me.

While me and Bella looked at eachother the smoke cleared and we all looked around franticly. Once all of our eyes were done examining the clear air we looked at a shadow in the trees.

"Heria," spoke the shadomwy figure.

"Emily," I scowled back at the figure.

She jumped from the tree making Bella and Joshua exchange glances. Her feet scrambled over to me as her hands bent over to pull the knife out of my stomach. She kept one hand out to heal the wound in my stomach. My skin coiled over then my organ than my outfit.

"There are you happy?" She said taking her hand from the healed wound. I mocked her as my legs pushed to stand up.

"Okay,okay," Joshua said, "WHO THE HECK IS SHE!"

"My sister and the person we are looking for," I answered back.

Bella looked at the women then asked, "Are you the time element?"

Emily nodded. After Emily told them about her element she showed us inside her house. Her husband was sitting on a block of gold with emeralds bordered the limbs.

"I don't think I want to help you," Emily said as we all sat down.

"Why?" Asked Bella.

"Because if I do how do I know they also won't turn evil as Julie did," Emily worrily yelped.

"We need them please," Joshua insisted.

Emily looked at him with intense eyes until she nodded and we all whispered yes in our heads.

"But first I would like something," Emily said with an evil in her voice.

"What, anything," Bella yelled, "Well maybe not anything."

"I would like Bella," Emily said looking at her.

"Never!" I yelled flinging a knife at her throat. She blocked it with one of her own and threw one back at me. I yelled at Bella and Joshua to leave, but Emily's husband blocked the door. We were trapped.

Emily came running for me as I jumped in the air to move. She ran into a stone shelf and yelled out as her nose crinkled.

"Where is Emily?" I yelled at the one who looked like Emily.

"You'll never find her!" She yelled back in return.

"Wait these aren't real people?" Joshua yelled at me.

I shrugged my shoulders as the Emily pushed me into a corner and ran for Bella. Joshua tried hitting her with his sword, but she blocked every move.

Then she grabbed Bella and ran out the door with her husband close behind.

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