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*RRRRRRRRRRIIIIIINNNNNGGGG* the alarm clock's sound invaded Baekhyun's room.

"Arg seriously! Early this morning you're so noisy!!! "

He said while reaching the alarm clock to turn it off and go back to sleep.

While he's trying to go back to sleep a knock from his door disturb him again.

"Baekhyun honey wake up!!! Its monday already wake up and fix yourself for school"

He heard his mom's voice.

"Yeaaah mom! Be out in a minute! "

He shouted and wake up lazily. How he hate mondays. But he can do nothing but to follow his mother.

After 30 mins of fixing his self he went down stairs for breakfast.

And there he saw his mom and dad busy with works. And his brother busy with reading books.

"Mom... Dad... Dining table is not office table. And hyung home is not school. "

"Just eat Baek and don't mind us. We are doing this for you two. For your own good. And Baekyun I heard you have some low grades? I hope you fix that and be like your hyung"

"Aish Love stop saying that. Go on baby eat you will be late for school. "

Baekhyun got used to that words from his dad, his dad will either scold him for his low grade or he will compare him to his hyung

"Baekkie hurry eating I will drive you to school"

Beakbeom said, his hyung.

Although Baekhyung is in 4th year HS now his family treated him as a baby and a girl.

Yes a girl. Because his parents wants a baby girl, but end up having Baekhyun.


They arrive to his school

Baekhyun study at SME academy while his Hyung is now a doctor is working at their own hospital.

"Take care baekie, our driver will pick you up later. "

"Okay hyung, take care too"

Baekhyun arrive 5 mins early today and as he arrive to their classroom his bestfriends was already there


He shouted as he open his arms ready to hug his best friends but...

"Ouch.. Ouch ouch... KYUNGSOOYAH! "

Kyungsoo pinch his cheeks before he got to hug him.

"Dont act like you really miss us, we just met like two days ago! "

"Tch you meanie"

After thay they sit on their places Baekhyun sit in fron Kyung sit in the 2nd row and Tao sit beside Kyungsoo.

"Goodmorning class, before we start, I would like to tell you that we have a new students. Please come in. "

Baekhyun Kyungsoo and Tao's face is ---› O.O

They're not shock because they're handsome but because one of them is....

"Please introduce yourselves." The teacher said

"Good morning I'm Kim Jongin hope to know you all."

"Omg he's gorg"
"Omg he's so handsome"
"He will be mine"

Some of their classmates whispers.

"Mr. Kim please sit next to Mr. Byun and Mister please introduce yourself."

"Good morning I am Park Chanyeol."

"Omo! He's my dream boooy!"
"Noo he's my future husband"

Again those hopeless romantic girls...

"Mr. Park sit beside Ms. Sandara, Okay were settle now we can start our lesson... Blah blah"


After long hour of discussion finally its lunch break.

"Baekie! Lets hurry and find seats we have to discuss something" Tao said while pulling Kyung and Baek hand

When they arrived to the canteen they find their place quickly

"Baek is Park Chanyeol the guy you've been talking about?"

Tao ask while giggling

"Yeah, Park Chanyeol is my-"

"Hello, can I join you?"

Before Baek could continue his words a boy approach them

"Oh sure" Kyungsoo replied

"Btw I'm Jongin, again. Haha were classmates right?"

"Yes! Anyway this is I'm Tao and this is Kyungsoo and Baekhyun my bestfriends."

"Nice to meet you." Jongin said with a wide smile

"So Baek is Pa-"

"Lets get something to eat"

Baekhyun cut Tao's words because he's shy around new people.


After class they said their goodbyes to each other

"See you tomorrow guys!" Baek said while waving his hand

He was reading text message when something bump onto him

"A... Awwww!"

"Hey, are you alright?" That voice....

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now