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When I went down at the dining are I saw them obviously waiting for me until my mom noticed my presence.

"Oh there's my baby girl. Come here and sit down and lets eat"

Mom said with a big smile on her face. I look at my hyung who is weirdly smiling

Something is wrong

We start one is talking I look at my mom she was still smiling while looking at hyung who is smiling too

They're like talking using their eyes

My Hyung broke the silence

"So... Baek when are you going to tell them?"

Hyung is obviously keeping his giggle inside....same as my mom

And my dad was just smiling formally

What's wrong with them?

Do they already...

"Well, I guess I don't need to tell them anymore hyung. Knowing you? I know you already told them"

They were shocked by what I said

"Are we really that obvious honey? I guess we need an acting training"

Mom said

"So Baekie is it true that you and Chanyeol are back together?"

Dad ask me while slicing the meat on his plate

"U-ah Dad yes it's true"

I said and right now nervousness eats me

"Are you mad dad?"

I ask while slowing looking in to his eyes

"Why would I be? Chanyeol is a good influence to you I remember your grades was high when you and Chanyeol was still together, and I wont be against to everything that makes my princess happy"

And a wide smile slowly form to my face and I get up from my chair and went to him to hug him.

"Waaah I love you dad you're the best!!!!"

"Just remember to be successful as your hyung and don't let that man make you cry again. I won't forgive him"

My dad might be so business minded but when it comes to his family no business is more important.

"Ehem, I'm getting jealous here baby girl"

My mom said while pouting

"Yah eomma youre the best too!"

After the happy dinner with my family I went to my room and lay on my bed

I was about to sleep but suddenly my phone rang

I reach for it and saw 101 meseages and 98 missed calls all came from Yeol

I read the messages

"Baekhyunah answer me"

"Are you changing your mind?"

"Please don't I can't take it"

"Jebal answer me my smurf T.T"

After reading his messages I decided to call him

Without any second he answer it right away

"Baekhyunah! Please don't break up with me. What did I do? Please tell me I will correct it!"

I smiled how possessive of him

"Yah! Stop talking non sense I just forgot to text you and I eat and washed up that's why"

I hear him sigh, a sigh that's a sign of relief

"I're going to leave again"

"That wont happen if you wont let me"

"I wont I promise this time"

I don't believe in promises anymore but I guess I'll try to believe him this time

"Ahm anyway my parents knows about us already!"

I proudly say to him

"Really!!? Are they mad?"

"Nope. They said its okay as long as you won't hurt me"

"Ahm Baek I'm taking you to mom's house tomorrow is that okay with you?"

I suddenly feel nervousness again I don't think I can face his parents right now.

"Dont worry my dad won't be there, they're separated already...."!

I feel bad for what I heard

" I'm sorry to here that, okay I will come with you. Just promise to not leave my side okay?"

I said to make him feel better

"Really? Okay lets go there after class"

I can imagine his wide smile right now

"Okay, goodnight giant love you ~"

"Alright, goodnight smurf i love you too, dream of me"

We ended our convo and sleep.

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now