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Baekhyun POV

After the day Chanyeol told me about me getting pregnant, I can't sleep properly it keeps running through my head thinking if it is really possible

Its monday I fix myself for school and went down stairs, I saw my Hyung and parents already ready to to eat

"Oh guys when did you came back?" I ask sitting in front of my hyung

"Last night, you were already asleep so I didn't wake you up" Mom said as he munch her food

"Hyung, can you drive me to school?" I plead as I show him my puppy eyes

"You have your own car didn't you?" I pouted when he reject my puppy eyes

"But...don't you love me anymore? I just become a college boy but you know I'm still a baby!" I whines and with my words they all laugh

"Araso, araso hurry up eating and I'll drive you to school" he said and put his plateson the kitchen sink


On our way to my school I can't hold the urge of asking my hyung the question that's bothering me since he's a doctor I think he can answer it

" male pregnancy possible?" His eyes widens when he hear my question

"Why do you ask?" He ask back still looking at the road

"Its just that...ahh nevermind"

"Yes it is,  ambiguous genitalia,  they are those rare mens who got pregnant because they have the internal organ of a women but a sex organ of a man" he explains that made me stare at him

"I don't want to tell you this but you know, you're one of those kind of men, that's why I am in this profession its because of you, I wanted to know more about your condition, because when you were born the only thing I understand is that your a boy and at the same time a girl"

Now I know, why they treat me like a princess of the family, and now I know why my hyung study the course that he never wanted

"So...does it mean I can get pregnant?"

"Sto asking questions, get your self out of here you're going to be late" he pats my head and I didn't realize that we're already at my school


Baekbeom POV

After Baekhyun went out of my car I dialled Chanyeol's number and he answers it quickly

"Yes hyung?"

"Lets meet in the café in front of your school now, im on my way"

"Okay, be there"

I hung up and quickly drive myself there, it took me 15 minutes beforeI arrived and I already saw Chanyeol sitting in the near corner and he already ordered some drinks

"Oh hyung, is there any problem?" He started after I sit in front of him

"I just want to ask, did you and Baekhyun already have intercourse?" I seriously ask him

"Y-yah! Hy-hyung w-hat ma-" And I guess I know tye answer

"So you already did?" I smirk at him and it made his face turn red instantly

"Well, this is serious Chanyeol. Just please dont made my baby brother pregnant" my words made him shook

"You know its impossible hyung" he said scratching his nape

"It is, my brother is no ordinary boy, he has the organs of girls so he can get pregnant, dont you dare make him pregnant if you want him to live longer and if you dont want me to kill you" he gulp after hearing my statement

"H-he can g-get pregnant?"

"Yes and you wont made him, cause you wont like seeing Baek suffering because of the pregnancy"

After the talk with Chanyeol I proceed to my work and I receive a text from my brother asking me to fetch him from school.

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