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Sehun just let out a small chuckle and I know he's sad, and I can see that he is holding his tears back

"Sehun...stop faking, tell me what's happening?" I was so worried with all his actions, Chanyeol remove the book from his sight and look at me like asking why I just shrugged my shoulders

"Where's Tao? Thay panda owes me something..." And by mentioning Tao's name he looked away instantly

"Ahmm, he's sleeping and I can't disturb him he mighy kick my ass again, but good news Baek, we're going back there next week"

"Really!? Should we picked you up? Owww I'm excited to see you two!!" I excitedly sit and put the laptop on my lap

"No need, I'll just text you where we'll stay, and I need to go, I need to checked on Tao" and without waiting for my answer he ended up the chat

I heave a sigh, and look at my Yoda who is busy reading books again, so I slowly snuggled beside him and encircled my leg on his waist and my arm on his chest, he then put down his book and pull me closer to him

"Yeol, I know there's something wrong with Sehun and I can't help but to worry"

"Stop stressing yourself, if there's a problem you will soon find it out, cause from what I heard they will went back here, isn't it?" He stated as he comb my hair with his fingers

"I hope it isn't that bad" I nuzzled on his neck to snif his scents

"You know, you look sexy with just tee and underwear" his hand slowly went down on my legs caressing it slowly

"You know, I can read what's on your mind" I said teasingly

"Can I?" He ask as he squeezed my butt

I didn't say a word but instead I pinned my lips on his that made him shock but then he put his hand on my head to deepened the kiss, as the kiss become deeper he licked my lower lip asking mine to open and so I did and his tongue quickly enter my mouth meeting my tongue and play with it and when I feel I was out of breath I cut the kiss and stare at him panting

And when we already recover our breath he went on top of me carefully not want to squeeze my baby bump, he then lean towards my neck and start kissing it that made me moans he soon nibbles it leaving purple marks on it

Soon he remove my shirt and underwear revealing my whole naked body, he stare at me that made me insecure and I was about to cover my self but he leaned on my lips and invade it with his and he stop for a moment to stare at my eyes

"You don't have to be shy, you look more sexy with our nabu on your tummy" he whispers to me

He start kissing me again and slowly lowering his kiss down to my erected nipples, he suck and bite it that made me arch my body and pull down his head deeper, after getting fed up with my nipples he lowered to my tummy and rain it with kisses

"Baby, I will just make mama happy hmm?" He talks to my tummy before finally grabbing my member, he pump it and lick the top of it

"Ahhgn, stop teasing yoda!" And without any word he suck my whole member that made me throw my head backwards and gripping on his hair

He bob his head up and down slowly and I can feel his tongue circling around my member

"Ahnng b-babe fas-faster" he then bob his head faster and soon I can feel that I was close so I was trying to pull his head out but he continue sucking until I my cum came out on his mouth

"S-spit it ou-out!" I commanded him ut he will swallow it but my word stop

"Or I will not let you kiss me again" with that he went to the bathroom and spit it onthe sink, I really find it gross swallowing a cum

And when he went back to me, he started kissing my lips again down to my neck adding more marks on it

"Ahh...f-fuck m-me now" I said that made him stop kissing my neck, he positioned his self to my entrance while putting my both legs on his shoulders

He slowly push in his member on my entrance making me adjust by his largeness, and when he put it in whole he stoo for a while waiting me to adjust

"M-move now" I said as I grip on his arms and digging my nails into it, he slowly thrust in and out

"F-fuck it hu-hurts" I said while closing my eyes and gripping his arms

"Should I stop?" He ask and about to pull out his member but I shook my head quickly

"Continue, faster" and with that he thrust faster all I feel now is pleasure while he keeps on hitting my prostate non stop

"Go-god Baek yo-youre still s-so tight" he lean to kiss me shortly and thrust even faster

And with few more thrust he come inside me and my cum burst in his chest and some on mine

He pull out his member, and lay beside mehe was about to hug me when I stop him

"Let's clean up first" I said and try to stand but my knees are too weak so I just lay back again

"Too tired hah? Let me" he then stand up and grab tissues and clean his self and me

And he went back beside me again and pull me on his arms embracing me lovingly

I wish to be this happy everyday....


Today is the day when Sehun and Tao will arrive and I keep on glancing on my phone waiting for Sehun to text me

"Chanyeol-ah why is Sehun taking so long to text me?" I whines at him

"Chill, its still early maybe they'll arrived later than you expect" he replied without even looking at me cause he he's busy watching 'The Return Of Superman'

Instead of being mad at him, when I saw happiness on his eyes while watching the twins Sojeon and Soheon, I can't help but to smile

"Baekie, how many child will we make?" He suddenly ask that made me shook

"Yah! One is enough! You don't want to kill me don't you?" I slap his arm with the thought of me taking care of bunch of child

"Then I hope there were 5 child on your stomach right now" he seriously said while caressing my baby bump circularly

"What do you think of me a dog or a pig!! No human can bare that number of children" this man is really out of his mind

He was about to answer back when my phone rings

Sehun Calling

So I put my index finger on his mouth to shut him up and answer the call

"Finally!!! So where are you?" I excitedly not letting him talk first

"Baek, we're in your family's hopital right now..."

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now