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We arrive at the coffee shop and order our drinks beforebefore

"So mind to tell us what happen?" Kyungsoo said with a curious face

"Ahhhm Cha-nyeol and I-"

"I KNEW IT!" Tao shouted thanfully there were just few costumers

"Yah! Im not finish yet! Keep your mouth shut pr else I wont continue"

"Okay okay sorry"

"So...I want you guys to know that Yeol is my ex boyfriend... And-"

I haven't finish my sentence when they interrupt me again

"WHAT!!!" They said in sync

"Y-youre a gay?"
Tao ask and I gave him a bitch-why-u-dont-know look

Kyungsoo slap Tao's head

"You dont know? He told us that years ago"

"Ouchy youre really so mean!"

"Shall I continue or not?"

"As I was saying he was my past and we broke up years ago because of judgements and everything. Now he wants me back and I'm afraid to get hurt again. What should I do?"

I said and bowed my head

"Do you still love him?"

Kyungsoo ask

"I-I dont..know"

"Do you feel your heart beat so fast when he's near?"

Tao ask


"Do you feel butterfly in your stomach when he's around?"

Kyungsoo ask

Wait.... Why are they interviewing me?

"Yes, why do y-"

"So you do, you still love him"

Kyungsoo continue

"That's right, why don't you gave him a chance. You know love is sweeter the second time around."

Tao said teasingly


I arrived at home and went straight to my room

I throw my self on my bed and stare at the ceiling....

"Something happened my dear Baekie?"

I was shock when I saw my Hyung already sitting on my bed.

"A-ah Hyung he's back..."


I nod and sit beside him

Yes my family knows about Yeol and me they support me they accept us but Yeol's parents don't

"I don't know what to do hyung, he w-want m-me back..."

"Well, ask yourself if you're ready again for consequences and if that's what makes you happy why not give it a try?"

"I'll think about it hyung, gomawo-yo"

He pats my head and left my room.
I lay in my bed again and try to sleep when my phone ring

I look at it and an unknown number was calling.

"Hello? Who's this?"

I answer it and I was froze when I heard the voice from the other line....

"Hello Baek..."

Its....its himmm

"Hello? You there?"

"Neh! What do you want? And where did you get my number?"

"Oh I just want to hear your voice before I sleep."

He said and I feel all my blood went up to my face!!!!!

"Stop blushing you cutie haha"

He said as if he could see me

"W-what b-blushing? I'm not! If you dont have something important to say I will hang up now. Bye!"

I said and I was about to hang up when his last words made me blush again

"Wait! I have important to say. I love you my Baek my smurf! Goodnight!"

And the line ended

I was froze for a moment and his words still not sinking in on my head....

I was back to my sense when my phone ring

Someone texted me

"I forgot to say, save this number I will call and text you everyday. Again I love you ~"

Its from him

Why? Why am I so happy with his words?

No Baekhyun don't play easy to get!

I save his number and named it


YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now