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Baekhyun POV

While walking to our room I suddenly ask Chanyeol

"You're jealous a while ago right?" I ask him teasingly knowing his action a while ago was cause by his jealousness

"Who told you?" He didn't look at me instead he held my hand and locked it with his

"Just admit it. If Sehun didn't introduce him as my cousin, you're now still a grumpy monkey" I chuckle after sayinh those words

"Yah! Who are you calling monk-" after he could finish his words the bell rang, sign that its class hour

So I pulled him and run towards our classroom

"Byun Baekhyun I'm here too you know!!" Tao yelled

Oh yeah I totally forgot his existence

"Mianhe Taoya!" We entered the room and thank god that the teacher was not here yet

And I was taken a back when I saw Kyungsoo....

Smiling/Laughing with Jongin!!!! And wait is he blushing?

Before I could approached them the teacher entered the classroom

Kai returned to his sit beside me and I am now thinking of ways how to tease Kyungsoo

"Okay class now I am going to announced something important" the teacher begins

"We are going to have a field trip" she continue and so the whole class starts screaming excitedly

"Yessss! That would be fun!!!" Kai said to me with a wide smile

"Mam! When and where will it be?" I raised my hand and ask my teacher

"Yes as I was saying it will be the day after tomorrow and it will be in lotte world,  and now I will announce who will be your seatmate on the bus"

When the announce that I raised my hand again

"Yes Mr. Byun what is it?"

"Can't we just chose our seatmate mam?" I complained

"No, you will be seating in boyxgirl arrangement" WHAT!! NO WAY!! What if...

The teacher start announcing the seatmates

"Byun Baekhyun and Suzy Bae" I'm okay with my seatmate but ut will be more better if it is Chanyeol

I sigh and pout as I wait who will be Chanyeol's seatmate

"Park Chanyeol and Park Sandara" NO FREAKING WAY!!!!

"Okay that will be all for today goodbye" I was about to complain again but she bid her goodbye and left the room

I look back to Chanyeol and he is already looking at me I gave hima sad expression

"I love you" he mouthed to me so I blush as red as chili

And my eyes land onto Dara who is sitting beside him

She smirk at me as if she was saying "Chanyeol is my seatmate eat that bitch"

So I gave her a bitch face too before I  face in front again

After a long hour of discussion finally the bell rang signs that the class ended

During breaktime I didn't eat with ny friends cause our teacher called me to the faculty room just to talk to me about my parents

Yes, we have partnership in this school but this school is owned by Tao's parents

Before Kyungsoo could go out the room I grab his hands and pull him with me together with Tao

"Byun Baekhyun where are you taking us?" Kyungsoo whined

I didn't answer them until we reach the school theatre room, well it's the only peaceful place that I know

I made them sit first before I start talking

"You have to tell us something my dear owl friend" I said to Kyungsoo who is now annoyingly crossing his arms

But suddenly I remember that I left Chanyeol behind so I hurriedly call him and mouthed "wait a second" to Kyungsoo

After several rings Chanyeol answers his phone

"Yeol-ah where are you?" I started

"At the café nearby our school, where are you? I've been looking for you" I can sense that someone is with him

"School. Who's with you?" I cold ask cause I hear woman's voice

"Tell you later I have to go byewithout even waiting for my reply he ended the line

WTH!!! Is he cheating on me!!!

To Baby Giant:
Don't dare talk to me again until you tell me who is she! I'm pissed off right now!

After I send it I off my phone and face Tao and Kyungsoo again who is now anxiously staring at me

"So...Kyung mind to confess something?" I sit beside him and move my face closer to him

"Wh-what co-confess are you sa-saying" I knew it this penguin has something to tell

"Tsk don't dare deny it. You're into Jongin are you?" I told him straightforwardly

"I KNEW IT!!!!" Tao shouted that make us cover our ears

"Yah lower down your voice Tao-yah!!" Kyungsoo annoyingly covers Tao's mouth

"Okay! Okay I will tell you!" He raisee his hand signs that he surrender

"I am, I am in love with Jongin. As you two know I am a transferee like you Baek and the school nearby my school was Jongin's school so everyday I see him passing by and he always smiles at me even though we dont know each other so I fell for that smile and now he's here!!! And I can't help my feelings!!!"

He explained and now Tao and I can't help but to slap Kyungsoo's shoulder cause of that lovely confession

"Kyaaah! My bestfriend is finally in love!!!" I scream as I slap his shoulder

"I'm so happy for youuuu!" Tao scream and slap the other shoulder of Kyungsoo

"Yah! You two stop it!! It hurts! Its okay now? Can we go home already?" He said and walked out the theatre

I went home and found no one at our house, so I throw my self on the couch and open the TV

And I suddenly remeber my phone I turned it on and my eyes widen when I saw 167 messages 

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