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Baekhyun POV

After the field trip Chanyeol rarely text or call me and I rarely talk to him properly too, he seems so busy this past few days and I'm afraid to ask even if the curiousity is killing me

It's friday and I'm walking absent mindedly to our classroom and I didn't noticed that I almost bump into someone

When I reach our room I was welcomed by my smiling and blushing bestfriends, and I know why...

Kai is staring at blushing Kyungsoo and Tao is busy texting while blushing

"Baekhyunah! You're here" finally Kyungsoo noticed me and Tao give me a glance too

I just sat down beside Kai frowning and not even giving them any words I was pacing out when a sudden tap on my shoulder wake me from spacing out

When I look up I saw Chanyeol smiling to me, my mood brightened in just a snap he lower down leveling our face

"I'm sorry for being so busy, I will tell you some other time hmm? Just trust me and remember that I love you" I give him a warm smile and nod

"I know, I trust and love you too"

After our sweet moment the teacher arrived and start discussing and when the bell rings I was about to approach Chanyeol when he hurriedly ran outside

"I think we need to talk" Tao whispers to me and pull me together with Kyungsoo and Kai to the canteen

And when we find a place in the canteen Tao let us sit first before talking seriously

"So tell us what's happening between you and Chanyeol this past few days?" I don't know what to tell them because I don't really know

I just look down and play with my fingers not wanting to tear up in public, Kyungsoo hold my hands and lift my chin up

"Baek, what's wrong? Tell us." He said with a worried expression

"I don't know too Soo, he's been really busy and he's nor telling me why and he rarely talk to me too" I said holding back my tears

"Want us to know? Lets follow him to answer all your questions" Tao stated

"I dont want him to think that I don't trust him...just...let him be maybe he'll tell me this soon" as I said that they let out a deep sigh but they just agree with what I want.


It's been 2 years *sorry for time skipping*

We are now in college I am taking nursing, I really want to be nurse for me to help my hyung and Chanyeol? He is taking business management major in finance, we're in different university but don't worry we're still on.

Kyungsoo and Kai is taking up culinary arts, Well Kyung really love cooking and Kai? Well he really love Kyungsoo that's why he get that course

And Tao? Well he's taking up Education, well his mom want them Tao to handle their school in the future

And oh Sehun and Tao are starting to be sweet around each other same as Kyungsoo and Kai well I'll tell it in next chapter

Now I'll tell you about what happen about me and Chanyeol


Its been 2 weeks since Chanyeol rarely talk to me and I can't take out this curiousity inside me

We're in Chanyeol's house right now he fetch me at my house this morning and we spend the whole day watching movies, playing and eating

When the night comes I was cuddling with him when I have the urges to ask him something

"Yeol can I know what made you busy this past days?" He suddenly sit up and faced me

"Baek, I told you just trust me I will tell it to you soon...soon as I can" he explained almost raising his voice

"I trust you Chanyeol but who am I here? I've been so paranoid thinking why you rarely talk to me!! I look so stupid answering my own questions with unsure answer!! Chan-" he pull me and hug me tight and I can't hikd my tears anymore so I break down to his shoulders

"Shhh I'm sorry, please stop crying, Okay okay I will tell you just please stop crying" He caress my back and cupped my face wiping off my tears

"You remember Mabel? She ask help from me sh-" I cut him by putting my index finger on his lips

"Why you? Why no-" now he shut me by pecking my lips

"Let me finish first, so I was saying he ask help from me, her parents disown her cause she choose her boyfriend over studying abroad, she lived with her boyfriend now and as time pass by he told me that she was being beat up by that man so she ask my help, I offered her one vacant apartment that we own but she went back to her boyfriend last week she said they're now okay so I let her be, and why me? Because she been my friend since I was a child so I can't say no to her that's why"

I listen to him attentively and I can't help but to get jealous over that Mabek girl

"So she's more important than me?" I pouted and look down

"Of course not, just think about Tao or Soo will be needing your help, you'll find time to help them am I right? So that's what I did" he explained pulling my waist to bring me closer to him

"I understand now, please don't hide anything from me starting today hmm?"

"I promise" he said and kiss my cheeks

"Love you giant"

"So do I my smurf"

End of flashback

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