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Chanyeol POV

I'm currently on my last class today, but my mind keep flying somewhere else, I just can't forget my conversation with Baekbeom hyung

I was awaken when everyone stand and some already left the room, I didn't noticed that it's already time to go home

"Hey buddy you alright? You seems so distracted" my friend Kris ask as he put his arm around my shoulders

"Yeah, just overthinking about something" I answered back

"Hey, you haven't introduce me to your boyfriend" He was very interested to Baekhyun, he only saw him at picture but he over reacted about Baekhyun being beautiful

"Yah! Don't you dare think of having interest of MY Baekhyun!" I gave him a deadly glare

"Chill bro chill, I have my own, you know that right? And...oh he's here so see yah" he quickly went off me and went to his boyfriend Suho

Yes, he's a gay too, well I was shock too, by his manly and cool appearence who would think that he's gay

I dialled Baekhyun number when I arrived home, he answered it quickly and by just hearing his voice, my tiredness vanish

"Yes my Yeolie?" He sweetly says

"I just miss my Baekhyunie"

"I know haha, I miss you too so much, so how was your day?"

"Fine, it wasn't the same when I'm not with you"

"Enough, your making me shy! Wait, Yeol do you remember something?"

"What? Oh...its your exa-" I quickly removed my phone from my ears when he yell at me


"I know I know sorry hahaha I was just kidding, you're really cute when you get mad, I know it's our 3rd year anniversary next week"

"Its good that you know, well actually I'm planning to have date with you that time and some of ny plan will remain secret just w-"

"Ahm Baek, you see...I- I can't abl-"

Before I could finish my words he ended up the line, and I feel pang in my heart, yeah I know I hurt him again, I ruined his plans...


Two days had pass, Baekhyun still not answering my call and text and I can't also got a chance to go to their house cause of my exams

I feel so sad not seeing hin for almost 2 weeks and the worst is for 2 days without hearing his voice makes me crazy

Finally the day of our anniversary came, and I don't think ny plan will work but its now or never

I dialled Mabel's number and told her to go to my apartment


Baekhyun POV

Its been 4 days since I last talked to Chanyeol, I missed him so much and today is our special day...

I decided to go to his school to surprise him, I was about to call him when someone approach me

"Baekhyun right?" He ask and look like examining me

"Y-yes? Who are you?" I ask following his daze

"Kris, Chanyeol's friend, you're really is a beautiful artwork" I feel irritated on how he look at me


"Well, anyway Chanyeol didn't attend school this day, he said he was sick and he just feel staying at home to rest"

"Is that so? Okay thank you I have to go, anyway it was nice meeting you" I quickly ran to my car and drive myself to Chanyeol's place

When I arrived there I ride an elevator and for every up of number of elevator, my heartbeat also raise, it seems like something bad was going to happen

And when I step out of the elevator and reach Chanyeol's door, I stop for a while. Why do I feel so nervous

"Come on Baek, grab yourself and throw your pride away, he's sick and he needs you" I gathered myself and twist the doorknob it was unlocked so I went in easily

Every step I take inside his room, I feel some pang on my heart, I dont know why...

And when I reach the living room, all my strength? Vanish from what I saw

Chanyeol hugging Mabel, and there were roses everywhere, and a candle light dinner beside them

"Ch-Chanyeol..." I mutter, he look at me with a shocked look and let go of the pregnant woman

"Baek, why are you already here?" He said and went to me but I step back

"Dont dare come near me!" And then tears fall down to my cheeks

"Baek, its...its not what you think, listen please" he said grabbing my hands but I shoved him away

"Happy anniversary Park" and after I said that I walked away from him but he was too fast that's why he easiky grab my hands and pull me for a hug

"I guess I have to go, you guys need to fix this" that whore said and went out of Chanyeol's place

"Babe listen, listen please what you saw is n-"  he was tearing up saying those but I dont let him finish

"I dont need your explanations what I saw is enough! And I am done! Were o-"

Before I could finish saying my words he pressed his lips into mine aggressively, I was pushing him but he was strong enough to full me deeper so in the end I gave in, I respond to his aggressive kiss that turn into sweet and passionate later on

I feel his hands on my waist, slowly lifting me up and now I entangled my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck without breaking our kiss and when we both feel out of air we parted and catch our breath, I pressed my forehead into his as he nuzzle our nose

"I told you never think of breaking up with me, I can't, I won't let you. I told you too that we can fix everything right? And breaking up was never an answer"

he carry me to the couch and sit there while me sitting on his lap facing him and ny legs still on his waist

I burry my face on his neck and quietly sob making his neck wet, he hugged me tightly and kiss my shoulder softly that makes me shivers

"It was all for you Baek, I hug her just to thank her for helping me with all these, I made these all for you. Don't misunderstood us, I already told you she has his boyfriend and she's having a baby, so there's no reason for you to be jealous of her or to suspect her or me, were just plainly friends, you undertand baby?!"

I pull my head out from his neck still sobbing and I nodded as a response to him, he wiped my tears and hug me again

"Stop crying, it hurts me making you cry, just trust me okay? I wont ever cheat on you unless there were another one of you"

I just hug him tightly and now can feel him kissing my neck and when he got to suck my sweet spot I moan softly


And the last thing I remember is he bring me to his bed and we made love...

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now