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Baekhyun POV

"Moooom... Daaad I'm home!" I call when we arrived at home

We went on the living room and sat at the couch wating for my parents to go down

"Baekie why are you la- Oh Chanyeol you're here" when my mom noticed Chanyeol and she walk/run towards him and give him a warm hug

"It was nice seeing you again dear, have you eaten yet? Lets go lets eat" How can she hug and invite him to eat without even giving me a welcome home hug

"Hey mom! I'm here too" I wave at her

"Oh sorry baby come here" she give me a hug and kiss my cheeks

Yes I got used to it and I will never get fed up of this

My dad and hyung are already waiting on the dining table and the foods are already prepared

I sit in front of my hyung and Chanyeol sit beside me in front of my mom

Our dinner went well and I'm glad that my family accepted him just like before.

Its already 9 pm when Chanyeol decided to go home. So I send him to the gate

"It was really a nice day isn't it? Your parents and mine already knows about us again" he said with a wide smile

"I agree, I hope your dad can accept us too" I hug his waist and look up to him

He circle his arms around me and burry me to his chest

"Soon Baek, soon" he said and loosen the hug and level his face into mine

"I should go now it's getting cold out here you should go inside" he said and give a peck on my lips

"I love you Yeolie" I give him a peck too

"I too, I love you" he was about to leave when hyung appear in our side

"Baekie go inside now its getting cold, I will just talk to him for a sec"

Chanyeol POV

Baekhyun give me a last glance before he went inside

"Can we talk? It wont take long" Baekbeom hyung started

"Sure hyung about what?" I follow him until we reach their garden

"You see, I treasure my brother so much. Even though his a boy I see or should I say our family see him as a princess of this family" he stated without looking at me

"I hate to see him crying. I hate to see him hurt cause even though I'm a doctor I can't do anything to cure that pain. I'm not saying this because I don't trust you or because I don't want you to be with hin again. I'm saying this to warn you that this is the last time you will have my trust again. Don't make him cry again. Promise me"

I can see the seriousness of his tone as he say those words.

"I'm sorry hyung, for being so coward before. I promise now I will make him cry only because of happiness I will treasure him just like how you do" I said with a promising tone and give him an assurance smile

Baekhyun POV

After going inside I sat in the couch cause I want to wait for my hyung I'm so curious of what he and Chanyeol talked about

After 1 minute I decided to just go in our garden for awhile cause I feel like I need some night air and I also would like to see some stars

But before I reach the door to the garden I heard hyung talk

"You see, I treasure my brother so much. Even though his a boy I see or should I say our family see him as a princess of this family... "

As I continue listening to theur conversation I can't help but to shed a tears, tears cause of too much flattery

After they talk I went to my room and I sleep with a wide smile on my face

The next day I was disturb by a loud knock on my door

"Baekieeee! Wake up! It's me your cousin..."

Why this boy! He always like to disturn my sle- wait!! Cousin? He's here?

I was quickly awake by my own thoughts and rushed to the door

And when I open the door widely I jumped into him and hug him so tight

"Waaaah! I've miss you so much!!!" I said and hang my self into him

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now