Chapter 3

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He pulled me back and pinned me to the wall

"Yah! Let me go"

I hissed but he holds my both hands and tightly pin me

"What if I don't want to.." He said while grinning

I can feel his breath because our face is just 6 inches away

"You have to because someone might see us and might misunderstand us"

"Well I dont mind"

"Are you crazy? Stop it and let me go my friends are waiting for me."

He didn't mind what I said buut instead he filled the space between our faces

His lips touches mine

I resisted by pushing him

"What are you doing! Are you out of yo-"

He kiss me again while hold my both hands tightly and placed it on his waist

Now... I can say that I miss him so much

I respond to his kiss and before it got deeper I cut it

Now we're both gasping

His forehead touches my forehead and he said

"I miss you my Baek"

He hugged me, those hugs I longed for so long

"I miss you too Yeol" I hug him back and burryFlashback
on his chest

"Can you please go back to me Baek?" I dont know how to reply to his words lots of bad words from others flashback to my head

"I-i.. I dont know Yeol, its... Its just that-"

"Youre afraid? That everyone might judge us again? Baekhyun were loving each other for them to like us. Were together because we love each other!"

He almost yell at me but I can hear that he's controlling his self

"No its not the thing Chanyeol! I'm afraid of your parents! Im afraid that they might throw painful words to me again! And I'm afraid that you can't able to protect me again!!"

I tried not to cry but I failed it hurts to look back that painful past

"I- Im so sorry Baekhyun... "

He come closer to me and try to hug me again but I ran out of the cr and went back to our room

Lunch break is over

I sat beside Jongin quietly

"What happened? What took you so long? And why is your eyes reddish?"

He ask worriedly

"N..nothing I just have runny nose that's why.."

After 3 mins Chanyeol arrived on our room

Our eyes met and I pull away my eyes quickly

He sit beside Dara

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you?"

Dara said while leaning to his shoulder, he caught me looking at him so he push Dara's head quickly

"Ouch! Why so rude Chanyeol!"

Dara complain but Yeol just ignore him and focus on our teacher


After class Jongin said he will go first and now I'm walking with Kyung and Tao

"Why did you cry?"
Kyungsoo ask while having a poker face

"No I-" I was about to make reasons

"Don't even try to lie or else we will not talk to you anymore"

Tao said while having a poker face too

*sigh* what else can I do now?

"Alright alright let go to the coffee shop near by I will tell you everything"

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now