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Baekhyun POV

Time flies so fast, we are now on 3rd year college and I can say college was never easy

Chanyeol and I rarely saw each other, but we never last a day without calling each other everyday, and Sehun and Tao? Well Sehun left, but Tao is with him, so Tao is now studying in France where Sehun live

It's my free day today, and I am going to meet Kyungsoo today, it's been so long since we saw each other and the last thing I heard between him and Kai is that they're already in a relationship

It's 8 am and I decidee to leave the house but I am going to meet Kyungsoo at 9

When I'm on my way to the mall I dialled Chanyeol's number and he pick up after 5 rings

"Yeolie where are you?"

"Ahm, I...I am at library...yes I am at the library so I can't talk long"

"Is that so, okay bye I lo-"

But before I could say I love you he ended the call, why do I feel suspicious over him

I just let it be and I arrived at the mall, since its weekdays there are only few people here

I went to the departnent store to window shop some clothes, after an hour of strolling alone Kyungsoo finally arrived

" are you and Kai?" I started, we are now sitting on one restaurant

"We're doing fine, he's now on his mom's house" he said

"You have heard of Tao and Sehun right?"

"Yeah, I was shock cause those two are a total mess when they're together" I chuckled cause of his words

"Anyway, how are you and Chanyeol?"

"We're do-" I was shut when I saw a familiar figure walking outside the restaurant

"What's wrong?" Kyungsoo ask and he look to the direction where I am looking

"Its Chanyeol Soo" I said as I stand up to follow the familiar figure and Kyungsoo just went after me

I was right it was Chanyeol, I thought he was in his school? My blood is rising up. Why did he lie to me!

He enter a clothes stoll and so we did and a loud pang beats my heart when I saw Chanyeol hugging a girl and it was....  Mabel? And she was....pregnant?

"That bastard!!! He was cheating on you!?" Kyungsoo said and about to attack Chanyeol but I stop him

"No! Let it be, lets go" I drag him out of the mall while he was protesting

"Why would you let that stupid bastard cheats on you!" He yell abviously so angry over Chanyeol

"Kyung...I- why?" I hugged him and break down on his shoulder

"Shhh, he's don't deserve your precious tears" he wiped tears on my cheeks and pull me to my car and he drive me home

When I arrived at home, there was no one at home, mom and dad were on business trip and my hyung was sent to Kangwondo yangdo to do an operation there

Kyungsoo left already and I was all alone now, I feel so weak as I feel my heart aches when the picture I saw on the mall flashbacks on my mind

"You made that women pregnant!! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I said as I punch the wall in front of me

I should have knew that everyone wants to have a child and Chanyeol wants them too I am so stupid to be so confident that he will only love me!

I cry my heart out and I lay on the couch not minding that my sob was heard around our house since I was alone so nonody will hear me

I feel my eyes was getting heavy, and after I close it I fell asleep without changing my clothes

I was awaken when I feel someone is blowing my face I rubbed ny eyes and slowly opens my eyes and after finding out who it was I quickly sit and I was trying holding back my tears

"Wh-why are yo-you h-here!!" I yell at him and it made him shocked

"Baek, what's wrong?" He was to wiped my tears but I slap his hand

"Don't try to touch me! I disgust you! Stay away from me!" I said and I stand up to go to my room but he hugs my waist from behind

"Baek...why are you acting like this, please let me know. I don't like us being this way, it hurts Beak" he burry his face on his neck still hugging my waist so tight

"Chan, wh-why did y-you lie?"

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now