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Yeah great! Now I'm alone. Baekhyun and Chanyeol is no where to find same as Kyungsoo and Kai

I'm currently sitting here in front of te carousel watching everyone enjoying with their friends and love ones

"Haaay why did they left me alone now I don't know how to enjoy this place" Yes I am now talking to my self how dare them enjoy without me

"So...I can see you need some company here" Suddenly someone talk behind me so I look back and saw this super fair and annoying person. I glare at him and stand in front of him

"What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" I point at him

"Confidence over flowing here. Look I am not stalking you, that will never happen. And I am here to relax not to stalk someone who look like a panda" He said while crossing his arms

"Wh-what? Panda!! Who are you calling panda ha! You larva!" I talk back to him

"Yes! Pan- WHAT! LARVA?" He whined back and I can't hold my laugh cause as he get angry the more he look like a larva

"Pffft yes you look like one"

"At least my eyes are not sticking out. Unlike yours" and now I'm pissed nobody insults my eyes that way

Sehun POV

After I said that his eyes is sticking out I noticed that his eyes become glittery

"Y-yah! I di-didn't mean it" I said trying to comfort him but I think its no use

I pull him closer and give him a hug well I can't think of anything else to do.

"I-Im sorry" I said while caressing his back and I can feel my shoulder becoming wet

Why is this kid so childish but... Why am I getting attached to him...

And it's true that i'm some what stalking him I DONT KNOW WHY!

I already knew Tao and Kyungsoo before because Baekhyun told me about them before

And by just seeing their picture I got curious about Tao and now that I met him my curiousity boost out

And I really plan this to happen. I plan  him to be alone


"Kai can you help me?" I called Kai before they arrived in lotte world

"About what?" He answered back

"You know I'm interested to Tao don't you? I want yo-" I was not finish talking when he answered back

"Yeah yeah I understand, you want me to take Kyungsoo away from him today so that you can make your moves. Am I right?" How can he read what's on my mind?

"Yeah you phsycho!" And I ended the line

End of flashback

"Want me to acompany you today?" I asked raising my brows

"Never! I can enjoy myself alone!" He said breaking free from my hug

"Okay then bye" I turned my back to him and start walking away from him

And I count 6 steps and I knew he would call me to come back I didn't turn back but I stop walking and now he run towards me and hold the sleeves of my long sleeve shirt

"I-I...please do-dont leave me alone here" He mumbles while looking down on his feet

I didn't say anything instead I grab his hand and drag him with me

"So where do you wanna ride first?" I ask him and when I look at him I saw him staring at the Caterpillar ride

"Don't tell me you wanna ride that's for kids Tao!" And he pout and give me a deadly glare

"Okay! Okay! We're riding it"

And all day we only ride on kids ride and it's embarassing cause we're both tall and we're on the same ride with small kids

But I have to admit it, it's fun to see him enjoying everything we do, he's really is a childish man

And the last thing we do is ride on the Ferris Wheel.

"Thank you for making this field trip memorable Sehun, even without Baekhyun and Kyungsoo I still enjoyed this day....with you" he whined and talk a lot but i'm starting to love his every flaws

"Thank you also for making me know you more" and he give me his sweetest and adorable smile

I badly want to know you more Tao...

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now