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Baekhyun POV

When we arrived inside the lotte world I can't help but to be amazed of the huge extreme rides, the colorful stoll with lots of teddy bears and lots of sweet candies and foods surrounds me.

"So...where do you want to ride first?" I was end pacing out when Chanyeol ask me

So I pointed on the huge roller coaster not so far away from us.

"That one. Waaah I can't really wait to scream while ri-" I was cut when Chanyeol talk

"Except that one Baek" I look at him with annoyed face and when I saw his expression while looking at the roller coaster he was getting pale and I saw him gulp

"Don't tell me your afraid of heights? Oh please it will become boring going here if you can't ride huge rides" I told him and I can't help my laugh

"Yah! Don't laugh at me! Its not my fault if I was afraid of heights!" He stated

"Yeah yeah! If you don't like then I'll ride it alone or better if I ride it with someone else" I exclaimed and about to walk towards the roller coaster but he held my hand and pull me closer to him

"No! Who told you I can't ride that roller coaster! So what if he's giant! I'm giant too! And there's no way you will hang out with someone else! Remember that!" He said and drag me to the roller coaster, I can't help but to smile with his possessiveness

When we are already sitting he grab my hand and locked it with his

"Baekhyunah can we just not do it? Hmm? Please?" He beg while squeezing my hands and doing puppy eyes

But before I could answer the roller coaster start to move

"WAAAAH! NOOO! STOOOP!" Chanyeol screamed that makes me laugh so hard

"HAHAHAHAHA ITS OKAY I'M HERE! WAAAAAH!" I told him without letting go of his hand

"PLEASE MAKE IT STOOOOP! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!" He shout again with his eyes closed

"I LOVE YOU PARK CHANYEOL!!!!" With that he stop shouting and just squeeze my hand tighter

After we went off the roller coaster Chanyeol is catching his breath so I hug him tightly

"Thank you for riding with me even if you're scared" I said while cupping his face

He smiled and give me a quick kiss that made me blush and embarrass not because I don't want it but because we're in public and I'm afraid of what people will think

"As long as you will kiss me after every extreme rides I am willing to ride it over and over again" he said and interlock our hands

After riding many rides Chanyeol and I were now sitting here at the food court and I suddenly remember Kyungsoo and Tao so I dialled Kyugsoo's number


"Where are you and Tao?"

"I-i...Baekhyunah he's with me don't worry" I heard a man's voice and I'm sure it was not Tao

"Yah! Where's Tao! And you're with Kai?"

"Tao is with Sehun and you're not here that's why I don't have choice to be with Kai!"

"Araso! Araso! If I know you only want to have quality ti-"

"Shut up Byun Baekhyun bye!"

He ended the line and I can help to scream inside me I can't believer my bestfriend is finally in love!!!

And wait! How come Sehun is here? Snd he's with Tao? Unbelievable. That intrigue me so bad

"Are you thinking of me? Why are you smiling like an idiot?" Chanyeol said cutting off my thoughts

"It was not you I was thinking idiot!" I annoyingly said and that makes him pout

"I was thinking about Tao and Kyungsoo okay? Stop over thinking!"

"Where are they? Its almost time but we haven't met them" he ask while munching his food

"They're fine and I'm glad we're not with them...hay I hope they can build love already"

"Who? Tao and Kyungsoo? It will be wierd and I can't ima-" I smack his head before his imagination get far

"Its not them okay? Just eat and we're going to ride Ferris Wheel"

We are now riding on the ferris wheel and I can't help to be mesmerise by the colorfuk view of lotte world at night

I look at Chanyeol who is now staring at me, I smiled at him at leaned my head on his shoulder

"They were right, love is sweeter the second time around" I look at him as he said those words

"I'm so happy to be with you again Chanyeol"

"So do I my cutie smurf"

our face are just inches away and as I look into his lips I can't help but to stare bat it and when we reached the top of the ferris wheel I remove the space between our faces m, yes I was the one who initiated the kiss

I can feel that his smile between our kiss. I suck his lower lip and enter my tongue on his mouth, his tongue welcomed mine and now were kissing passionately and I can feel his hand on my neck pulling me closer to deepen our kiss as he suck my tongue I can't help but to moan softly and before it get any deeper I cut the kiss

He pressed his forehead into mine and stare at my eyes before give me a wide smile

"I will only love you Baekhyun"

"Me too, only you Chanyeol...none of those bullshit words toward us matter. You're all that matters to me"

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now