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Baekhyun POV

I can't stand what I'm seeing so I grab the colar of this girl shirt just using my index finger and my thumb, my hands is too precious to touch her

"Excuse me who are you?" She ask in annoyed way

"Why this ugly...I'm Byun Baekhyun! I'm Ch--" I was not yet finish talking when she speaks again

"I don't care anyway, so get loss. And what the hell, a pregnant man?"

Aish this girl is really getting into my nerves, I was about to talk back when Chanyeol circles around his arm to my waist

"It's not nice to talk to my love that way, Irene" I teasingly smile to her and stick my tongue out in her face

"Yo-your? What? Oh my gosh it can't be..." I crossed my arms and raised my one eyebrow before facing her

"Well, it can..and if you please excuse US cause MY Chanyeol and I will see some stuff for OUR BABY" I really emphasize those words for her to know what I really mean

"B-but, Chanie y-you told me t-" Chanyeol patted her shoulder that made me twitch my mouth

"I'll just see you, we need to go" with that he pulled me out the stall and made our way to baby's stall

"Baek what about this?" I just rolled my eyes to him and crossee my arms

I was still annoyed of him for touching that girl and he will also see her behind my back?  Aish!!!!

"What did I do this time?" He put back the cute clothes he was holding and hold my shoulders to face him

I slap his hands away and walk out the stall and made my way to a fast food chain, He just follow me behind and I can feel his heavy sigh

"Good morning sir, what's your order?" This coloring book girl in front of me was talking to me but her eyes was on Chanyeol who was currently standing behind me

Why is this giant such a girl magnet! Arrrgh they're ruining my day so bad

"I like 2 large fries, 2 fillet, 3 rice, sprite drinks, and 2 hot fudge, I wont repeat it again and if you don't get it right, I will talk to your manager to fire you, and you giant pay this"

I walk out from there and let Chanyeol handle that by himself, and I find a sit for us

And afte a while Chanyeol arrived together with one crew carrying a bunch of food I ordered

"Thank you for the help" he bow to the crew before sitting beside me

I start dipping the fries to the ice cream to avoid his gazed at me

"Baek, talk to me please.." He was caressing my arm and when I look at him his eyes was pleading

I lean my head his shoulder burrying my face to his neck before speaking

"You will see her without me? You didn't even introduced her to me before" I said as I pull my head out from his neck

"Okay, I will tell you what's between her and me" I with that I sit properly grabbing the fries and muching some chicken

"Irene was our neighbor way back when I was still a child, she used to stick around me and keep saying that she like me,She never leave my side until we graduated elementary and when my parents told me that we were moving to other place she cried non stop and she told me that when we meet again she will find me again and marry me"

"And?" I was really jealous by what I heard and I just keep calm and continue eating

"And...I-- because she wont stop crying and so I told her yes, that...someday I will marry her if she finds me"

I pouted and narrowed my eyes, tch how come he can promise to marry that girl while he can't even plan of marrying me

"So? You will now leave me? And my baby? You ca-"

"Who told you!! I won't do that! And thats OUR baby! Stop over thinking, I am gay and its disgusting to marry a girl"

He said before grabbing the ice cream and eat with me, while I avoided his gaze to hide my blushing face from him

"I only love you, and stop saying those kind of words hmm? Our baby can hear you and I bet he don't like anything like that" he whisper to me before kissing my cheek

"Promise?" He nodded and with that I kiss his cheek and focus on eating again


When we went back home we were both taken aback when we found our door not locked

We quietly walk in while I was gripping on his arm with my one hand and other hand interlocking with his hand

When we arrived at the living room, there was a girl sitting there not facing our way

"Who are you?" Chanyeol ask, and she slowly turn around to face us

"Chanieee ~ you're home" she was about to hug Chanyeol but I went in front of Chanyeol to cover him

"Thick face huh? What are you doing here?" She twitch her lips

"Non of your business, Chanieeee Auntie Park told me I can sleep here" wait what!!!

"Is that so? Alright then, you can use the other room" I glared at him and he nervously gulp

And this giant really agrees? Aigoo I can't believe this, I walk straight to our room and slam the door loudly

I slammed my self into tue bed and covers my self with the blanket, I heard the door opens and I know it was him so I pretended to be asleep

The bed moved sign that ue was sitting beside me, I still remain silent and still covering my body, but he sneak under the blanket and move close to me

I still didn't move, and I feel his hand circles on my waist and his face snuggling on my neck sniffing my scents

"My baby is mad again hmm?" He said that makes me shivers feeling his hot breath on my neck

I then turn my body to face him and hug, I was now embrace by his both hands, my head laying of his shoulder my hand circles on his tummy, his one hand on my waist and the caressing my face

"Why did you let her stay here? You know I dont like her" I started

"That's why, I like you to know her more, she's not that bad. And we can now explain to her that I cant grant my promise to her because I only love you"

I look up to him and smile widely, this giant really knows how to make me soft

I was about to kiss him when a sudden knock dusturb us

"Chanie oppa ~ lets eat!!" Aish this kid!!!

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