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Baekhyun POV

I woke up feeling pain in my chest, unfortunately Chanyeol already went off to school so I'm all alone here

I tried reaching my cellphone and when I got it I dialled my hyung's number

"Why Baek? I'm on duty"


"Baek why!? Hyung is coming hang on araso?"

He quuckly ended the line and I really can't breath because of this pain on my chest

I curled myself enduring the pain and I can't help but to cry cause of the pain, without half an hour someone slam the door opens

"Baek...hyung is here hmm...hang on I'm bringing you to hospital" he carry me bridal style and before I knew it we're already on his car

"Baekie try nor to sleep, just please endure it in a bit, hyung will help you" he sound so worried and a little panicked

A few drive and we're already in hospital, a wheelchair is already waiting in front door, hyung quickly sit me there and push me to the ER

Chanyeol POV

I was in the middle of the class when my phone vibrated, so I excuse myself to answer the call

"Chanyeol, palli and go here at our hospital, Baek needs you"

I froze for a while after I hear the line ended, and snap out of my spacing out when Baebeom hyung words sink in in my mind

Without getting my bag inside the room I ran to the parking lot and drive myself to Byun Hospital

When I arrived there I proceed to the ER and saw Kyungsoo and Kai sitting outside and when I approach them Kyungsoo look at me and I saw mark of tears on his eyes

When I'm about to ask him what happened Baekhyun's OB went out from the room, I quickly approach her

"How was my Baekhyun?"

"Mr. Park, it seems like Mr. Byun is already experiencing the side effect of male pregnancy, well to be specific Baekhyun will experience chest pain a lot and it can lead him to be unconscious when he didn't take his medicine right away, another consequence he may face is he might have heart failure during his delivery of the baby the worst is he he might die"

I can't take every word she's saying, all I can feel now is the tears that flows down from my eyes and this pang on my heart

"That will be all, you can see him now" she left and Kyungsoo quickly approach me and hug me from side

"Baekhyun needs us, especially you, so be strong Chanyeol"

I nodded as a respond, before I let go of his hug and went in the room, there I saw a sleeping beauty of mine

He has a small tube in his nose for an oxygen, I went near him and stare at his petite body

"I'm so stupid to not listen to your hyung's advises, I'm so stupid to put you in this kind of danger, how can I ever forgive myself if something bad happens to you? I'm so stupid Baek..."

I burst out crying again and I feel Kyungsoo's hand caressing my back and Kai patted my shoulders

"We're here to help you, we need to be strong for him and for your baby" I breath deeply and exhaled all my frustration out

Baekhyun POV

I was awaken when I feel someone is brushing my hair with fingers, and when I open my eyes I saw the love of my life

"You're you feel anything? Is your chest aching? Do you need an--" I put my index finger on his mouth to shut him up

"I'm fine, I just need my giant's kiss" I can't help but to feel bliss when I knw he was this worried, his face look so worried and his eyes is a little puffy

I sat up and he quickly stand to guide me, I chuckle by his actions

"Yah! I'm not injured or anything, did I make my Yeolie worried?" He pouted as he sit beside me

"I'm sorry Baekhyunah, because of my stupid pervert hormones I got you in a big danger" he grab my hand and play with my fingers

He's such a baby giant, I lift his chin up and show him my brightest smile to cheer him up

"I never regret having a baby from you, I'm strong I told you, I can make it, as long as my Yoda is here, so...where's my kiss?"

He slowly remove the space between our faces and I slowly feel his smooth lips on mine, it was a sweet and full of love kiss without tongue included

When we parted he stand up and went to the table near the door and get a bowl of food there

"Here, you need to eat this, Kyungsoo cooked it. You will eat this or else that minie demon will slash my neck"

I laugh by his words, I excitedly grab the bowl and start eating it, its a kimchi rice with lots of veggie and meat

After eating, Chanyeol cleans my dishes and sit beside me again, he circles his arm around my waist and stares at me

"Yah! What's with that look!?" He stare at me like its the time he will saw me

"You wont leave me right? Baek please fight any pain you will feel, I assure you, you wont fight them alone...I- I...can't live without you, you know that right?"

I caress his cheeks and rain kisses all over his face

"How can I leave someone precious like you, there's no pain that will separate us my baby giant" I then kiss his forehead and lean his head to me shoulder

God please help me get through this mountains of problem we are having right now...

Chanyeol POV

Baekhyun was sleeping soundly again when Baekbeom hyung enter his room

"Chanyeol, can we talk" there is seriousness in his tone and it terrified me

I stand up and went in front of him and look down on my feet, I'm too ashamed to look at him

"I'm sorry hyung, I did not listen to you. I know I'm so stupid to did this to Baekhyun, bu hyung I promise to never let him fight this alone"

I was surprise when he hug me...he then patted my back before he let go of me and speak

"I was mad when you made my baby brother pregnant at this age, and knowing what will happen to him I can't hold my anger back, but then after knowing that he's pregnant I saw happiness on his eyes, and my Baekhyun's happiness is my happiness too, and you never left his side up till now, promise me you wont leave him until he gave birth or else you wont see them again, take care of him Chanyeol"

He patted my shoulders again before leaving the room, I was left awestruck by his words

I was snap out when I hear Baekhyun call me

"Chanyeol! Hand me my phone it's ringing cant you hear!!" He shouted out me

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