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Baekhyun POV

When we arrived at school Chanyeol is not letting go of my hand so it turns out everyone's eyes are on us.

"U-uh Yeol you can let go of ny hand now... "

I said while trying to pull my hands from his

"Why would I? Let them be jealous of us"

He said and didn't let go of my hands until we reach our classroom

When we enter Kyungsoo and Tao's mouth almost drop

I expect this to happen and I ready my self for their never ending questions later.

When I sit on my chair beside Jongin Kyungsoo kick my chair and when I look back to him and Tao their eyes were fierce

They're eyes were obviously saying "you have a lot to explain to us"

"I know" I mouthed to them and look in front again

"Baekhyun what happened to your hands?"

Jongin worriedly said and reach my hands carefully

"Ahm it was nothing I'm just learning how to cook"

I said and smile to him

"Careful next time okay?"

"Yes mother hahaha"

He was like a worried mommy

After talking to Jongin I peep at Chanyeol's place

And I don't like what I'm seeing 😑
Seriously why is he smile to Dara? Why is he talking happily to her? What are they talking about?

He turn his head and meet my eyes but he avoided it right away


He talk to Dara again so I decided to not look anymore! It hurts and it disgust me

"Everything's fine? Why are you pouting like a baby?"

Jongin said and pinch my lips

"Ah ah aww! Why did you do that!"

I hit him and touch my hurt precious lips

"Cause you look so cute"


I didn't manage to finish what I want to say because our teacher arrived.

Discuss discuss discuss


Finally its lunch break!!!!!

I was shock when someone pulled my hands

"Yah! Taoyah! Taoyah! Wait my arms!!!"

He let go of my hands when we arrive at the canteen

"Start!" Kyungsoo said

"How can I start eat-"

"Not eating Baekhyun! What we mean is start telling us about and Chanyeol"

"Ahm Chanyeol and I were to-together again..."

I dont know why I'm nervous. I'm more nervous telling them than my parents

"How? When and why?"

Tao ask

" w-was just yes-yesterday. He ask me to be his and I said yes. Because I-I lo-love him..."

Gosh please lord make them stop asking more questions and just accept us

"Well that's all we wanna know. We're so happy for our Baekkieeee!!!"

Kyungsoo said and hug me
And Tao joined the hugs too

"I thought you're going to be mad at me"

I said whule still hugging them

They release the hug and face me again

"Just make sure that,  that Chanyeol won't make you cry again! Or else
...he will regret knowing me"

Satansoo again... Kyungsoo might seem careless but when it comes to me and Tao he won't regret hurting anyone who hurt us

"That's right if he don't want me to wushu his face then don't let single tears drop from your eyes"

Tao added...yeah yeah my rude friends indeed

"Noted!!! Anyway where's Jongin?"

I ask while looking around trying to find Jongin

"He said he won't join us today"

Tao said


"He's fetching his friend from airport later,  so he excuse himself to all of our classes today"

Kyungsoo explain

"Oh I see lets-"

"Can I barrow Baekhyun for a while"

Why can't I always finish my words?

Chanyeol the annoying giant appeared in front of our table and pulling my hands

"Sure" Tao answered

"Thanks lets go we need to talk"

Yeol said pulling me up from my chair

"Wait! Mr. Park don't dare make our bestfriend cry if you want to live longer, I may be short but I can kill"

Kyungsoo said looking directly into Chanyeol's eyes

I heared Chanyeol gulp....looks like he's afraid of Kyungsoo's words

"I un-und-understand"

Yeol said while forcing to smile to hide his fear

"See you later guys"

I said and decided to pull Chanyeol away.

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now