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Baekhyun POV

"Ah! Aw! Ouch Baek my neck you're so heavy!!" He complained and so I get down and give him a tight hug

He do respond to ny hug and he patted my head

"You haven't change at all! You're still so small" he said and let out a chuckles

"Yah! I'm not small youre just tall!!!" I whined

Anyway this is Sehun my cousin, he's 4 years older than me and now in 3rd year college

"Araso! Araso! Go fix yourself for school I'll be waiting down stairs" he raffle my hair and push me again inside my room

I take a bath and dressed my self and I went down stair, there I saw my hyung and cousin talking

"Goodmorning hyung" I greeted him

"Good morning Bakie" he hug me slightly and reach his bag

I remember those words he said to Chanyeol last night.

"I love you hyung! Take care" I hug him tightly and give him my sweetest smile

"Me too, oh anyway you go with Sehun he will be going to your school too, and Mom and Dad will not be home tonight cause of you know business and I will be late, okay bye" he waved at us and left

"Let's eat outside Baek since its too early for your school" Sehun said and drag me to his car

"Btw Sehunah wh-" I was shut when he placed his finger to my lips

"Hyung Baek its Sehun Hyung" aish really I was not used to in calling him hyung

Maybe because we're too close

I remove his finger from my lips and continue what I want to say

"Why are you going in our school?" I ask as he started to drive

"Just for some requirements I need. One of those professor in a school I am going to attend is also a teacher in your school I need to talk to him to help me get in the University I am transferring"

Transferring? Wait! That's right!

"Right! When did you arrived from Europe? Who fetch you? Why didn't you tell us? Did you brought something for me?" I excitedly ask him I totally forgot that he went to Europe before

"Yah yah! Calm down, my friend fetch me and I want to surprise you that's why I didn't tell you and yeah I bought you shoes and chocolates"

I got excited by his presents, we never stop saying stories of what happened to us during our absence to each other until we reach the café

We order our food and drinks and sit to the near table we saw

"So I heard you and Chanyeol are back together?" I blush and look down to hide my red face

"Yes we are" I shyly said

"No need to be shy Baek, just don't make him hurt you again or else I will grined him to meat grinder alive" I glare at him and slap his shoulder

"That's so rude! Then, I will not let you meet him" I continue eating and not give him a glance again

He never met Chanyeol before because he left Korea before me and Chanyeol became in a relationship

"I said if he only hurt you again" he said and continue eating too

After we eat we head to my school

"Baek go to your room I will head to the faculty room" he said and left

Before I could enter the building someone grab my hand

"Chanyeol... You scared me" I said and hug him but he don't hug me back

He stare at me coldy and he's still holding my hand tightly

"What's wrong?" I ask and try to get my hand back but he hold it more tightly this time

"Who is he?" He ask with a plain cold tone

"A... Aaw Chan yo-you're hurting me" I look at his eyes and I'm slowly tearing up now

When he saw my hands getting red he let go of it and from cold eyes it turned into worried one

"I- I'm so-" before he could say it someone called me

"Baekhyunah!" It was Sehun, he walk to me

"Why? Have you meet him?" I ask him

"Yes, do I need to fetch you after school?" He ask me but his eyes was on Chanyeol

"I will just text you" I told him

"Who are you?" Chanyeol ask Sehu and he hold my waist and pull me closer to him

My face flush red why is this man so possessive

"Ow, you must be Chanyeol? Right?" Sehun answered and he point at Chanyeol

"I'm Sehun, Baekhyunie's cousin" he reach out his hand for a shake hand

"O-oh yeah I-I'm Chan-Chanyeol" He shake with Sehun's hand

"It was nice to finally meet you, I need to go. I'll see you" when Sehun turned around to go someone bumped into him

"Sorry sorry!" The boy said while bowing continuously

"Taoyah! Why are you in a hurry?" I ask Tao who was catching his breath maybe he ran to get here

"Baekhyunah! Are we not late yet? I thought I was late" he said wipe away his sweat

"Baekie see you and you watch your where your going next time" Sehun said and finally go

"What? YOU come back here!! I already said sorry!" Tao yell but Sehun didn't look back

"Haha that's enough, lets go. Anyway he's my cousin Sehun"

"I don't care he's good looking but don't have manners" Tao stump his feet all the way to our room

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