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Sehun POV

I woke up early to visit Tao again today, I took a quick shower and get my keys and drove away from my house.

I passed by the flower shop first to buy his favorite adonis mixed with narcissus flower before I went straight to him.

When I arrived there, I put the flowers beside his grave before sitting down in front, I smiled bitterly and start reminiscing our memories together, those endless childish fight, those hugs, those videos we made together and his sweet lullaby at night. I miss him so much

Without knowing, a tear started to fall down from my eyes, I shut my eyes for a moment before wiping my tears away.

"Sorry for crying again, I just really missed you so bad that I wanted to be with you again there. Hays, you know what? Baekhyun and Chanyeol are already married, sound great isn't it? We could be married too, if you didn't leave me..."

I looked up to prevent my tears from falling again, and I was about to talk again when a sudden voice cut me

"White boooy!! You're here again? Oh that's great cause you know I fe-" I cut him up before he could speak more

"You know, just shut up and leave me alone!" I saw pain in his eyes from what I have said but I shrugged it off and look away from him

"You know what too, I won't leave even if you pushed me away over and over again" I just rolled my eyes getting frustrated of him.

I didn't bother looking at him and just stared at Tao's grave, and tracing his name written on it, and the silence was broke when this guy talk again

"You love him that much don't you, I know how it feels loosing someone that means so much to you..." I look at him in an instant with what he have said

"What do you know, you seems so happy everytime you approach me" I said without looking at him and putting my chin above my knees while hugging my knees

"I have been through a lot..." That words got me but instead of answering back I remain silent and wait for him to continue talking

"You see that two graves at the back? That's my mom and dad...they died just 2 years ago, cause of plane crashed, I was lost when I find out they're gone, I cried, I drunk, I didn't eat because I think there's no reason for me to live anyway, cause there's no one left for me, until one day I tempted to kill myself and I woke up in hospital, and there I found out I'm afraid to die, and feel nothing at all, from then on, I fixed myself and continue what my parents had left me and I learn to appriciate evrything I have now, and that what makes me happy"

From his long statement, there is one thing that thought me, despite of his jolly appearence behind this is a wrecked past.

"I'm sorry to hear that" I said in a calm tone

"Its alright,by the I'm Luhan again,  so what's your name? " He smiled and offered his hand to me, I reach for it before speaking

"Sehun, Oh Sehun" after 3 months this is the first time I talk to stranger again, and it was the first I feel comfortable over someone I barely know


Baekhyun POV

"Argh I can't believe that giant left me just to get that limited edition of one piece accesories!!" I yelled cause od anger I felt right now

Can you believe it, I woke up seeing Yoora noona here and no Chanyeol and she said Chanyeol left so early and contacted her to look over me cause it was the day stores will release one piece accesories, I really cant believe him

"Its alright Baek, just eat so that you can drink your medicine" she said as she place food in front of me

I was about to eat when I feel my pj's become wet, wait I didn't feel I was about to pee? I look down and see water flowing down to the floor, it can't be...

"N-noona!!! My water bag!!!!" I saw her panic expression, she quickly ran beside me and check me

"Oh my god!! Wait...I...ahhh" she keep walking back and fort obviosly panicking

"Noona!!! Call ambulance palli!!" I yell to bring back her senses

"Right! Right!" He quickly grab her phone and diall the ambulance


Chanyeol POV

"Here you go sir" the lady handed me a plastik of accesories I have bought

"Thank you" I left the store and was about tp drive home when my phone rings

Mommy Calling...

I answered it quickly and put it to loud speaker and start driving home

"Yes mom?" I started

"Yah! You pabo where are you!?"

"Going home, why?"

"Drive your ass here at Byun Hospital quickly!! Your husband is gaving birth already!!"

After the line end, my mind went blank and my moms words slowly sinking in in my mind

And when I finally get in my senses I quickly turn. My wheels and drive in high speed tp the hospital

"Oh my god, you pabo giant why did you left him..." I mutter to my self

"Please dont gave birth right away Baekhyun, wait for me please..."


Baekhyun POV

When I arrived at th delivery room, all I feel is pain coming from my waist and from my tummy, I cant breath properly too

When they already fixed me for delivering, I feel that they put oxygen mask on my face, and there I could breath easily again

The doctor and nurse are putting on their gloves, my hyung decided not to handle me cause he might get nervous on doing this to me and might hurt me or the baby

"Ch-chanyeol..." I mutter enough for them to hear it, then one nurse went out for a while and when he went back there's Chanyeol with him, he quickly ran towards me and held my hand and kiss it

"Its alright, its going to be fine, I'm here baby...I'm sorry for leaving you alone" he said and I can see tears in his eyes

As long as I want to be mad at him I cannot, I need him the most right now, I can't do this alone

"D-don't le-leave my side hmm?" I told him as I grip gardly on his hands

"I won't baby" he then kiss my forehead before everything went black


Chanyeol POV

After hours of operation, cause Baekhyun gave birth through c-section, I finally heard baby's cry, My heart went wild as tears started to roll down my face non stop

"Congratulations, it-" before the doctor could finsih speaking we are all shock with a sudden flat line sound from machine that is connected to Baekhyun

"Wh-what's hap-happening! Baek! Baekhyun wake up!!" I tried patting his cheeks but he didnt respond

The doctors push me aside and gather around Baekhyun

"Save him!! Please save my Baekhyun..."

I fall down to my knees feeling nothing but pain in my heart knowing that Baekhyun is not breathing anymore

"Don't leave me Baekhyun..."

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now