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Chanyeol POV

Kyungsoo cook spaghetti with meatballs and some takoyaki,yes! he bring his takoyaki maker here

"Kai when will you get Kyungsoo pregnant? I want to see a penguin being pregnant"

Baek said while putting 2 meatballs to his mouth, and when he said that Kyungsoo choke with his food and Kai quickly offer him water

"YAH! Byun Baekhyun! I'm not like you! I'm not getting pregnant!" Kyungsoo exclaimed and glare at Kai

"Th-that's rig-right" Kai stutter, he really is head over heels with Kyungsoo

"But did you already have sex?"

Baekhyun ask like it's just an ordinary question, is pregnant people really this insensitive? I can't help but to just face palm my self on my mind

"If you're not pregnant my dear Baekhyun, I now slap your pabo head" Kyungsoo sarcastically said while forcing a smile

After eating Kyungsoo and Kai left pur house and now Baekhyun is watching Larva and even though it's corny he keeps laughing but for me I really wanna switch the channel because it's the last chapter of One Piece today

"Baekhyunaaah ~" I sweetly call him and nuzzle my face to his arm

"My answer is no, I don't want our baby hearing brutal fight, One piece is no good for our baby" he cross arms and continue watching

"But that Larva is no good for our baby too, they do stupid things and look how ugly they are, although one of them look like Sehun" he just ignore me and continue laughing with those Larva's stupidity

I got up from the couch and head to our room and slam my self to the bed and cover myself with the blanket

Minutes pass and I feel like my eyelids are getting heavy so I close my eyes and let my self travel to dream land

I was awaken when I feel someone is planting kiss all over my face, I slowly open my eyes and saw Baekhyun smiling and still kissing my cheeks

As long as I want to get mad at him because he don't let me watch the last episode of my favorite anime, I just can't, I mean who can get mad at this cute puppy

I pull him to lay on my chest and side hug him and he snuggle to my neck

"I bought you something..." He whisper to me

I look down to him and he sat up and grab something beside him and I was surprise when he shows me what he bought

"O-one piece cd?" I stutter as he pass me the CD

I hug him tightly and plant kisses on his face

"I know you were upset that I did not let you watch the last episode of your favorite anime so bought you this"

I didn't respond to what he said I just kiss him passionately

"Baby see this? Palli growing up and we will both watch this over and over again" I talk to his belly as I show the CD he bought for me

"Yah! Girls don't like anime like that" he protested

"Who says our baby will be a girl? Your OB haven't says it yet"

"Says me! I know its a girl cause I can feel her softness inside my belly and I can see that I'm getting bloomer day by day" and I laugh after he stated those words

"Wow, confidence all over this roo-- ah ouch Baek" he twist my huge ears as he pinch my waist

"So you think I'm ugly? Say it!!" I fear the way he look at me he's full of black aura all over him

"A-aniya!! Who says my Baek is ugly? Tell me and I will knock him down didn't he know my Baekie is the prettiest..." I try persuading him with my words but he just throw a pillow on my face and went out of the room

I followed him and I saw him in the kitchen eating again, and I cannot believe it he change his mood so quick cause when I approach him he feed me with the choco bread he's eating and hugs my waist

"We need to go to my OB tomorrow for check up" he says still chewing his food

"Okay, what time?"

"9 am, but you need to get up at 6 cause you will prepare food for us before we went off, araso?"

I just nodded and still can't believe I am enjoying taking care of this moody pregnant boy

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