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Baekhyun POV

It was my first day staying at Chanyeol's place, and last night was one of the most memorable night, not because we made love but because he bring me to his mom's place and told them I'm pregnant


"Baek, did you already told ypur parents about this?" He was currently fixing his hair because he told me that we're having a dinner to his mom's house

"Not yet, but with my hyung's talkative mouth? I bet he already spread the news" I said as I was putting on my shoes

"Alright then, let's go...btw you look simple yet so beautiful my Baek" he peck my lips and interlocks our hand

I was wearing plain skyblue Vneck shirt and black skinny jeans and pair of addidas shoes while Chanyeol wears brown longsleeves and black pants and a pair of converse shoes

After of not so long drive we finally arrived at his mom's, I grip tightly on Chanyeol's arm and he look at me as he caress my cheeks

"I'm nervous Yeol" I said, we're still standing in front of their gate

"It will be fine Baek, I'm here hmm?" He kisses my forehead and when he was about to press the doorbell I stop him

"What if they wouldn't accept the baby? Because they find it wierd, a man being pregnant"

He chuckles and lift my chin up and nuzzle his nose into mine

"Believe me, it will make them happy, so stop worrying and lets go. They are waiting for us" he then press the doorbell and without any minute Yoora Noona opens the gate

"Moooom they're here, my pretty Baek give Noona a hug" she hugs me or should I say she squeeze me between her arms

"Yah yah!! Noona he can't breath!" Chanyeol parted his noona from me and pull me inside their house

His mom welcome us with a hug and kiss then lead us to the dining table to eat

"So...what's the good news you were talking about Chanyeol?" His mom ask that made me stop chewing my food and look at Chanyeol who was now grinning widely

"Well, should I call my mom a grandma now and my noona an aunti?!" A sudden silence invade the whole dining room and I gulp twice as I wait for their reaction

"KYAAAAAAAH!!!!!" both Mrs. Park and Yoora screams and went to me and hug me side by side

"I can't believe it!!! I'm going to bea grandma!!!!" Mrs. Park said as she cupped my face and planted kiss on my both cheeks

"And I'm going to be an auntie!!! I better go shopping for our baby's clothes and a crib and a stroller and milk bottles and a---" she was stop when Chanyeol speaks

"Calm down Noona!! He's just 2 weeks pregnant! It's too early for that!" Chanyeol rolled his eyes and give me a 'I told you' look

End of flashback

I get up and do my morning routines and when I get out from the bathroom Chanyeol is still sleeping...know why?

He stayed up until midnight talking to ny belly as if the baby can hear him, it's funny but I find it sweet

I just went to the kitchen and sliced some cucumbers and heat some white chocolate to melt itand deep my cucumbers there

If I wasn't pregnant it will taste so awful but then now it taste like heaven, before I could finish the whole bowl of cucumbers someone snatch it from me

"You won't think of feeding our baby with only this cucumbers, don't you?"

Before I could protest he went straight to the trashcans and throws the food

"Hey! Why did you throw those!!! I want to eat more of that!" I feel my eyes suddenly heating and before I knew it a sudden tears fells down from my eyes

"H-hey why are you crying?" He walk to me quickly and cupped my face but I slap his hands away

"I hate you! I don't want to see your face!" I went to his room and grab my phone and dialled Kyungsoo's number

"Hello baek? Why?"

"Kyungsoo *sob* Chanyeol *sob* he wont let me eat!!! And I don't want to see his ugly face *sob*"

"Okay I'll be there in a minute"

"Palliwah *sob* I only want to see you *sob*"

After that he ended the call and when I look at the door Chanyeol was leaning beside the door frame

"You don't want to see me?" He seriously ask and look staight to my eyes

"You wont let me eat that's why" I started to tear up again and he now went to me and hug my waist

But I stand up and went to the other edge of the bed

He was planning to get beside me again when the door opens and ut reveals Kyungsoo and Kai

I quickly ran towards them and hug Kyungsoo tightly burrying my head to his shoulder while sobbing

"What did you do Chanyeol?" Kyungsoo ask with a complete seriousness

"I did nothing, I just told him that eating cucumbers the whole day won't be healthy for him and to our baby and there he throw tantrums"

Chanyeol sounds frustrated as he blurted those words

"Baek, Chanyeol is right. Your baby might look like from Namek when you eat pure cucumbers" by that I pull out my head from his shoulder and look at Chanyeol who is now burrying his face to his palms

"Go on talk to him and I will cook something for you, come on Kai" after saying that, he close the door and I was left alone with Chanyeol again

I sit inch away from him, he still have his hands on his face so I reach for tye sleeve of his shirt hesitantly and sofly grip into it

"Mi-mianhe Chanyeol-ah" I look down so that I wont see his mad expression

I was surprise when he lifted my chin and plant a soft kiss into my lips and pressed his forehead into mine

"I can bare all your tantrums but please don't say you hate me and you don't want to see hurts me so much" he said as I can feel his hands snake around my waist

"I didn't mean to, it just came out from my mouth...please don't get fed up with my attitude hmm?" I put on my cutest aegyo while stating those words

"As long as you would be this sweet after"

I hug him warmly and he was about to kiss me again when the door opens wide again

"Okay enough with that sweetchats lovebirds food is ready" Kyungsoo pull me up and lead to the dining table

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now