Getting hate

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~ Chanel's P.O.V. ~

It's been a month since me and Zach have started dating. Cameron doesn't dislike him anymore and treats him like a brother. The only bad part about all of this is that I've been getting a lot of hate. On, Instagram, YouTube, YouNow, Twitter. Practically EVERY social media. I don't know what to do. It hurts like hell. I haven't told Zach or Cameron but can you blame me? Zach would try to fight somebody and Cameron would freak. How could people be so mean. It started a week after Zach and I started dating. It started out as a single comment on a picture of me and Zach on my Instagram.


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Zachs.cutie: Ugh kys, we all know that Zach doesn't really like you

At first I didn't think anything of it. I mean I've gotten hate before. But then more comments started to roll in.

Zach deserves better
If I was her, I would've kms already

I thought it would just be those comments but then there were more. Even some of my supporters were saying bad things. I didn't even know what to do anymore. It wasn't just social media. It was at school too. People were sticking notes in my locker, pointing and talking about me, and pushing me down in the hall. I'm surprised Zach or Cameron didn't find out by now. I can't do it anymore. I give up, ok?

I went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and got some sleeping pills. I grabbed a glass of water and sat down on the floor, bawling my eyes out. Cameron was out with some friends and mom was at work. Just as I was about to do it, I got a call from Zach.

C - Chanel ~ Z - Zach

C- Hello?
Z- What's wrong?
C- what do you mean? Nothing, I'm fine
Z- Chanel, I saw the notes in your locker today, I saw your face when you threw them out. I saw the comments on your recent on Instagram today. Chanel, what's wrong?
C- Fine. Ever since we started dating I've been getting a lot of hate. It took you long enough to notice don't you think?
Z- I'm sorry, why didn't you tell me? I could've helped.
C- Because I knew you would act like this. Listen, you're too late, I've made my decision. It's not like you're gonna miss me, right?
Z- Babe no don't do th-

Then, I hung up on him. I picked up my glass of water and the pills and swallowed them. I sat on the floor crying until suddenly, I blacked out.

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