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~ Zach's P.O.V. ~

"Chanel?" I ask waking up. Chanel and I decided to watch Netflix but I guess I fell asleep and next thing I know, she's not here.

"Chanel?" I call out again. I get up and see a note on the coffee table.

Dear Zachary,

Sorry, I had to go. You fell asleep and you just looked so peaceful and cute that I didn't want to wake you up. Sorry :)

Awh. I decide to go over to her house to check up on her. I stand up and go next door.

"Chanel?" I say as I open the door. No answer.

"Chanel?" I say again. I look down and see Luna asleep in her puppy bed.

I go upstairs and hear giggles. As I get closer to Chanel's room, the giggles get louder. I open the door slowly and see Chanel on her bed and Riley beside her. They were on their phones.

"Riley?" I say confused.

"Hey Zach" he says.

"What are you doing on my girlfriend's bed?" I ask:

"Nothing, we were just hanging out" he says.

"Get out!" I grab his arm and push him out the door.

"What the hell, Zach?!" Chanel yells.

"What were you two doing?!" I yell back.

"Like Riley said, we were just hanging out" Chanel was looking down. When she lies, she looks down.

"You're lying" I say.

"No im not!"

"Yes you are. You're looking down!"

"Zach, nothing happened between Riley and I" she says.

"Oh yeah? Just like nothing happened between you and Tanner?!" I'm angry. My best friend and my girlfriend? Ugh.

"Zach. Don't do this"

"Tell me what happened with you and Riley." I say.

"Fine. Right now, we really were just hanging out. Earlier, when you went out to get the fan mail, we sorta kinda kissed and it almost went too far but we stopped, I promise, we stopped." She says.

"Of course" I say as I start to walk out the door.

"Zach, wait" Chanel says.

"Save it, I don't care" I walk out and tears form in my eyes. I go back to my house and get my car keys.

As I get in my car, it starts to rain. Great.

How could she do this to me? I loved her. I mean, yeah, I've cheated too but, with my best friend? What the hell!? I would never! I'm still in shock.

I've been driving for about an hour now and I'm lost. Plus, the rain is getting heavier and heavier. It's thundering now. I grip the wheel harder and I start to lose control of my car. There's a huge tree in the way. Uh-oh. I try to swerve but then-


~ Chanel's P.O.V. ~

"Riley, just leave me alone" I say as I slam the front door. I was angry. Angry at myself. Why did I cheat on Zach? I love him. It's just, ugh, I don't know. I hate myself. I just wanna....no. I can't. Not now, not ever. I promised Zach that I would never harm myself every again. And he promised me that he would never harm himself either.

I sank onto the floor, crying my eyes out. How could I do this to the one guy I love. Ugh.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I pick up my phone. It was Apryll.

"Hello?" I say.

"Chanel? Honey, do you think you could come to the hospital?"

"Of course, what for?" I say. What was happening?

"It's Zach. He......he got in a really bad car crash and now.....now, he's not far from slipping into a coma" I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"I'm on my way" I hang up and grab my keys. I had to get there. What if he did slip into a coma? No, don't think like that Chanel. I just...I have to get there.

I slam my car door and run inside.

"Chanel," I hear Apryll's voice from across the room, "come on"

I run to her and we go to Zach's room. She opens the door and he's just laying there. His face was as white as a ghost. I run to him and grab his hand.

"Chanel?" He says in a raspy voice.

"Babe? Oh my god, Zach. Why'd I let you leave?" I start sobbing.

"Don't cry, I'm gonna be okay" he says, wiping my tears.

"Zachary. Ugh, I love you. So. Much." I smile.

"I know, who doesn't?" He says with smirk. I laugh.

"Listen, whatever happens-" I cut him off.

"Nothing's gonna happen, you're going to be ok. I promise" I squeeze his hand.

"Ok. Well, Chanel Alexandra Dallas, I love you, so very much. You're beautiful and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me" I start to blush.

"Zach, I-" He cuts me off. He starts to groan and his grip on my hand starts to get loose.

"Zach?" No answer. He starts to close his eyes and Apryll races to get a nurse.

"Zachary Reed Clayton, no, please, no no no no no, stay with me, please" tears are in my eyes and everything is blurry. I feel someone grab my arm and pull me out of the room. It was Apryll.

"Everything is going to be okay" she says, trying to comfort me.

We wait out there for another hour. A doctor comes up to us.

"Apryll, right?" He asks.

"Yeah" she answers.

"I've got news. Zach, he's unfortunately slipped into a coma. We don't know for how long but, sigh, I'm sorry, we did everything we could." The doctor says.

I run outside. I had to get air. This could not be happening. It's just a dream. It had to be. This is all my fault. If I hadn't invited Riley over, Zach wouldn't have gotten mad and he wouldn't have gone on a drive and he wouldn't have crashed.

I sit on the bench and put my face in my hands. This is not happening.


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