How to whip

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(That's Tanner B, for those of you who don't know ^)

~ Chanel's P.O.V. ~

When I finish my waffles, I go back downstairs and see another guy with Cameron and Tanner.

"Hey Chanel, there's one more person we want you to meet" Cameron says and the other guy stands up.

"Hi, I'm Quentin" he says waving.

He had a tank top on as if to show off his muscles.

His chocolate brown hair was a little messy but it looked cute.

"Hi, I'm Chanel" I say smiling.

I put my dish in the sink and wash it as I hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I say rushing to the door.

I open the door and see Zach.

He kisses my cheek and I let him inside.

"Who are these new people?" Zach asks looking at Tanner.

"This is Tanner and that's Quentin, they're from Kansas." I say pointing at them.

"Oh, well nice to meet y'all, I'm Zach" he says smiling.

I pull him upstairs to my room. We had agreed to watch '13 Reasons Why' on Netflix together. No, we weren't gonna Netflix and Chill. I bet he was thinking we were though.

"I'm gonna go to my house real quick, I somehow forgot my phone" Zach says standing up.

"Ok, I'll watch something else for now. This show has me fucked up" I say picking up the remote.

Zach laughs as he goes out my door. A few minutes later, I hear a knock at my door. Thinking it was Zach, I said "come in"

"Hey, I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Tanner says as he comes in and sits on my bed.

"Nah, you're not" I say laughing.

"I just came up here because Cameron and Quentin went to go get Taco Bell, I said I would wait here"

"That's nice"

"So, who's that guy that just left? Zach was it?" Tanner asked.

"Yeah Zach, he's my boyfriend." I smile.

"Oh. I thought you were single" Tanner asked and I saw his face grow disappointed.

"You ok?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder.

"No. Yeah. No, I was hoping you were single, I like you a lot" Tanner said looking down.

Omigosh. Omigosh. Omigosh. Tanner Braungardt effing likes me. WHAT THE HECK!?

"You do?! I mean, you do?" I ask trying to act cool.

"Yeah" Tanner says laughing.

"Tanner-" I get interrupted by Zach coming into my room.

"What's happening?" Zach asked.

"Oh nothing, Tanner was just asking for help with something" I say.

"Help with what?" Zach asks. He looked suspicious.

"Oh. Uh, with, um, how, hOW TO WHIP" I say standing up and pulling Tanner with me.

"Ok Tanner, on three. One, two, THREE" I say, he goes along with it and whips.

"Good! Getting better, make sure to practice, ok?" I say.

"Yeah, ok." He says trying not to laugh.

"Ok then, Cam brought Taco Bell, do you want some?" Zach asks me.

"Yeah, I'll go get it" I say walking out my door. Zach is super jealous. If he finds out that Tanner likes me, he'll freak.

I get my taco and run back upstairs. After about 7 episodes, I feel the sudden urge to do something else. The show was good, don't get me wrong, but I was getting a little bored. I don't know how I was getting bored though. Have you SEEN Clay Jensen? Oh my goodness.

"Let's go do something, I'm bored" I say putting my arms around Zach's body.

"Sure, what do you wanna do?" He asks looking away from the tv.

"What about that trampoline park. It's like ten minutes away." I say.

"Sure" He stands up and goes to my mirror to fix his hair.

I go into my closet and change. I decide to wear my Magcon shirt with shorts and my black vans. I put my hair up in a ponytail.

I grab my phone and go downstairs. Zach was already down there.

"Hey Chanel, you don't mind if we go with y'all do you?" Tanner asks, he was holding his vlog camera.

"Uh, Zach?" I say.

"I'm fine with it, it's up to you though" Zach says.

"Um, well sure. The more the merrier" I say making an awkward hand motion.

"Great!" Quentin says grabbing his phone from the counter.

We walk out the door and into Cameron's car.

Once we get to the trampoline place, Zach grabs my hand. I look forward but I see Tanner staring at me from the corner of my eye. We walk in and I take my shoes off and put them in a cubby. I race Zach to the trampolines but he wins.

"I let you win" I say giggling.

"Yeah, ok" Zach says smiling.

Tanner follows us to the trampolines and once he gets there, he does 3 front flips without his feet touching the trampoline not even once. I gotta say, I was impressed.

"Where'd you learn all of these flips?" I ask.

"I taught myself. I got my front flip when I was 7 and my backflip when I was 8. It's not that hard ya know" Tanner says.

"Oh yeah? Can you teach me?" I ask.

"Sure" Tanner puts his hand on my back. "I'll spot you, just jump really high and flip backwards"

I do what he says and I almost land it.

"Good job! You got it, just practice a few more times" Tanner said and went off to find Quentin and Cameron.

"I could've taught you ya know?" Zach said, clearly annoyed.

"Really? You can do a backflip?"

"Yeah, Ty taught me last month" he says walking towards me.

He jumps about 3 times, pulls his knees up to his chest and flips backwards.

"Ok, a little impressive" I say starting to jump.

I do what Zach did and after two more tries, I land it!

"Thanks for the help" I say laughing.

"Anything for you" Zach says as he leans in and kisses me.

We jump around for about another hour. We were starting to get hungry so we decided to go to McDonalds.
Tanner suggested it. Zach and I share chicken nuggets and I get a McFlurry. M&m to be exact. We drop Zach at his house and we go back home. Tanner and Quentin were staying at our house. We have a guest room with two beds so they were going to sleep there. I go straight up to my room and shut the door. 5 minutes later, I get a knock at my door.

"Yes?" I say.

"It's Tanner, do you wanna make a YouTube video with me tomorrow?"

"Sure" I get up and open my door. "What are we doing?"

"Well, its Monday, and I sometimes do q&a videos on Mondays" Tanner says smiling.

"Sure, why not" I say closing my door.

"Yes" I hear his voice on the other side of the door and I giggle.

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