Say hello to Mrs. Clayton

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~ Chanel's P.O.V. ~

I wake up to the sound of birds tweeting outside my window. I try to get up but Zach's arm is around my waist.

"Baby..." I say, trying to wake him up.

"Mmm" he groans.

"Wake up." I say. He turns and let's go of me and I get up. I go into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Can I join?" I hear Zach's voice on the other side of the curtain.

"Eh, whatever" I laugh.

"Ahhh the married life." Zach says and I laugh.

After the shower, we get dressed and ready for our flight. We decide to go to Walmart to get a few snacks.

We go into the candy isle and I want to get everything. I finally decide on m&ms, jolly ranchers, and Sour Patch Kids. Zach gets Starbursts, a Hershey bar, and Skittles. Next we decide to share a bag of Cheetos. When we go to pay for our things, I spot a familiar blonde haired boy.

"Tanner?" I say and he turns to look at me.

"Chanel!" He walks over to me and we hug.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm on tour and we had a show nearby so we decided to do a pit stop here." He smiles as a girl comes up to us.

"Oh! Chanel, this is my girlfriend, Paris" he says, introducing us. (Update: Rip #Taris ☹️)

"Hi" I smile.

"Hey" she says as Zach walks up to us.

"Oh hey Tanner and girl I don't know" he says.

"Hey Zach! This is my girlfriend, Paris" he smiles.

"Well, it's been fun catching up, but we have to catch a flight in about two hours so, we've gotta go." I say with a smile.

"Cool. Oh! Congrats on getting married by the way" Tanner says and Zach and I thank him.

We pay for our things and go back home.

We grab our suitcases and get an über. Once we make it to the airport, the flight was about to board.

"We have everything, right?" I say and Zach nods. We give the lady our tickets and pass through the gate.

I notice that Zach has his vlog camera. I walk in front of the camera. "Hawaii, here we come!" I say, sticking my tongue out at the end. He laughs and puts the camera down.

We sit down at our seats and I smile. "Let's hope the airline doesn't lose out luggage" I say, crossing my fingers.

Zach laughs as he gets out his camera.

"Ok yall, we're currently on the plane, about to take off, I'll see you when we get there!" He says and he covers the lens with his hand.

We begin to take off and I close my eyes. Zach grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine as I doze off to sleep.

When I wake up, we were here! I turn around to look at Zach and he's talking to the camera.

"....and look who just woke up" he smiles and points the camera at me.

"Hellooo" I say with a laugh.

He puts the camera down and kisses me.

"How was your nap?" He asks.

"Amazing" I say.

We get off the plane and go get our suitcases.

"Off to the hotel!" Zach says into his camera.

We rent a car and drive to the hotel.  Zach puts the suitcases inside as I set up the camera on a table. We go back outside the room and he picks me up. He slams the door open and we laugh.

"That's a wrap" he says, putting me down.

My phone dings and I check it.

"The photographer just emailed me the link to the pictures." I say. I click the link and pick my favorite picture of me in my dress. I screenshot it and go to Instagram.

 I screenshot it and go to Instagram

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@/Chanel.Dallas: Say hello to Mrs. Clayton 💍✨

I turn my phone off and put my suitcase on the bed and change into my bathing suit. Zach changed into his and we head down to the beach for the rest of the day.

We play around in the ocean and we even make sand castles. It was getting dark, so Zach and I decided to order a pizza and watch a movie.

"Split or Nerve?" He asks.

"Nerve. Loren said it's good." I say.

"But Riley said that Split was great!" Zach smiles.

"Fine, we'll watch Nerve and then we'll watch Split, deal?" I suggest.

"Sure" he sets the pizza boxes, there were two, down on the bed and sits next to me. He presses the play button and grabs a slice of pizza.

"Who's in this movie?" He asks.

"Emma Roberts and Dave Franco" I answer and he nods.

When we finish the movies, we were both tired so we decided to get some sleep. I put my hair up in a messy bun and wiped off my makeup. I plopped down next to Zach and turned off the light.

"Goodnight Mrs. Clayton." He says, kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight Mr. Clayton"

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