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Legend has it, every once in a while, someone is born in a world where it's all black and white. A monotone reality. It's been over 50 years since the last time someone was born with this sort of disability. This curse. The only way to see the world in color, is to meet the one you love. Your significant other. Your soulmate.

In this case a new born child, by the name of Edward Elric was unfortunately stuck with this curse. As the small boy was born, his cries weren't only to test if he was breathing, but also were cries of agony. The mother could tell as tears rushed down her face. Doctors noticing the child's howls, the boy had to be taken away to run some extra tests. The mother couldn't see her child until hours after it was born. When the doctors returned they had the results. They told her that Ed was colorblind. That he had this hex on him. Since it had been far too long since this hex was relevant, the cure was no where to be found. It had been long forgotten. The mother mourned and wept for her child.

"My Ed! My little Edward!" She cried out in pain. Ed on the other hand was still crying, little coughs heard in between, his lungs seeming too strong for a newborn baby.

It had been five hours and he hasn't stopped crying yet. The mother had to be sent home without the child in her arms. Ed had to stay at the hospital until he finally stops his crying and can be sent home with his mother. Until then, until his crying comes to his halt, he shall remain at the hospital without getting the comfort of his mother.

The child is now one year old. Just today, on his birthday, he had finally stopped crying. His mother, Trisha, was eight months pregnant and went to see her child who had been born a whole year ago. Tears of joy ran down her face as she finally got to see her beautiful baby boy. She cradled Ed in her arms, being sure to hold him lovingly, showing him that he belonged to her.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." The mother said to the nurse gleefully, looking down at Ed. He slept peacefully, sucking the tip of his thumb, his eyelids slightly twitching as he slept.

"My boy. My sweet little Ed." She whispered softly. The nurse nodded and smiled. The corners of her mouth soon went down as she remembered what she had to tell her.

"Ed is still colorblind." She took a deep inhale. She calmed down then continued to speak.

"We've been looking everywhere for the cure, but it's no use. It's been gone for an extremely long time. I'm sorry ma'am." Trisha frowned but understood the nurses honesty. Her eyes had pain but slight relief that at least they tried.

"It's okay. Thank you for trying. Really. I appreciate it." The nurse smiled then led her out of the building.

"Have a nice day Mrs. Elric." Trisha bowed her head then walked back to her home. Ed whimpered in his sleep, his eyes then slowly fluttered open, showing off his fiery golden orbs. Trisha looked down and used her finger to move the blanket that was wrapped around him, out of his face. She moved her finger up and down a little as if waving to him.

"Hi Ed." She whispered soothingly, smiling lovingly.

"It's me. I'm your mom." She cooed at him. Ed grabbed her finger with his small hands and looked up at her beaming.

"M-m-mom?" He stuttered out.

"Yes. That's me. I'm your mom Edward. I wish you could see what I really look like." She said sadly. The boy furrowed his eyebrows slightly as if he could see his mother's distress. Noticing this she quickly tried to sound happy and looked at him with an expression of joy.

"Just go to sleep okay?" She said to him softly as she swayed him in her arms. His eyes started to drift closed and soon enough he was in a peaceful and happy sleep.

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