G⃣oing Away

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"I'm going out! I won't be home until later tonight!" That was the same phrase Roy told Ed over and over again. He'd go out at night. He wouldn't return until later into the night when Ed had already fallen asleep. During the day, Roy had work and Ed couldn't hang out with him often. The afternoons didn't last very long. And in the night was when Roy left, using the same excuse of Roy just working the night shift. Ed wouldn't seem to mind, though wondered why Roy was taking the night shifts every single night.

Surprisingly, Roy told Ed he wouldn't be going out tonight. And that meant Ed had Roy all to himself. He wanted to ask him the question.

"So. Why do you take the night shift every night?" Ed asked him curiously.

"Isn't is obvious? I want to get more work done. I'm a slacker, but I want to change that habit." Roy explained to him, sitting on the couch next to him.

"Oh. Okay. Then how come you always get home so late?" Ed asked.

"I like to work extra. Since I always procrastinate on paperwork, I might as well try to make up for lost time. I'm committed to my work when I want to be. And if I ever want to be Führer, I'll have to work twice as hard. So it's also like training for the future. That is if I ever make it that far." Roy answered, Ed nodding in response. He smiled at him.

"I'm sure you'll make it one day, Führer Mustang~" he purred, getting on top of Roy and smirking.

"How about you put this major in his place, colonel~" Roy lightly pushed him away when Ed was about to make contact with his neck.

"Please... not tonight Ed..." Roy said quietly, looking away from Ed.

"Aww~ it's been a while since we've had sex... do you not feel satisfied from me anymore?" Roy shook his head quickly.

"That's not it at all. I'm just not feeling to Well is all. And I'm a little exhausted from all that work I've been doing lately." Ed nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Ed asked him softly, looking at him worriedly.

"Could you maybe make me some warm tea? That's really all I'd like. It's soothing and calming."

"You got it babe!" Ed said, kissing his cheek and heading into the kitchen.

"Thanks Ed. You're a sweetheart." Roy said, laying down on the couch and waiting for his tea. He closed his eyes, resting them for a bit, then, without realizing it, fell asleep. It took Ed a while but he made the tea.

"Here you go! Some nice warm-" he saw Roy was asleep. He chuckled lightly and set the tea beside him. He walked up to him, shaking him lightly. Roy woke up.

"Silly. You're gonna catch a cold if you sleep on the couch. Why don't we go to the bedroom? It's better to sleep int here than in the living room after all. It's much warmer and cozier." Ed told Roy, Roy nodding and slowly getting up. Ed walked with Roy to the bedroom. Roy instantly crashed into the bed, falling asleep easily. Ed chuckled, changing his clothing before going back to Roy. He sat beside him, lightly tangling his fingers into his hair.

'He really is tired. He must be swamped from all that work.' He smiled at him. He leaned down and kissed his forehead before going back into the living room. He turned off all the lights in the house except for a lamp. He grabbed Roy's tea and began to take sips of it himself. He sighed as he lunged around the kitchen, sipping the tea. He finished up, sighing as he stopped overthinking things.

Ed went back to the bedroom. He changed Roy's position so that he wasn't taking up the whole bed. He placed the blanket on top of Roy before curling up into bed with him. He smiled as he snuggled into Roy. He was warm. Soft. The usually feeling. Ed breathed in his aroma, breathed out in confusion, then breathed in again.

Something was off. His scent wasn't what it usually is. He smelled of a woman's perfume. Strange. Maybe it was a new fragrance he had gotten? Or maybe he was just hanging out at the office too often? Riza's perfume was pretty strong and could spread easily. Ed had hung out at Riza's place one time and after hours of staying there, his close did smell of her perfume. Maybe Roy had been working with Riza so often that her scent spread to him. Maybe Ed hadn't noticed Roy's scent had changed since they did take a break for a month. Ed shrugged it off, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"Goodnight Roy... I love you..." he whispered before officially falling asleep.

Roy got away with it. He was surprised Ed hadn't noticed sooner. It seemed too obvious.

Riza's scent and markings she had left on Roy's neck should've been a dead giveaway. Guess Ed was too blinded by love to even notice the new hickey on Roy's neck, or the fact that Roy smelled of someone else.

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