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5 Years Later
"Dad! Dad! I have exciting news for you!"

A young girl with black hair and brown eyes runs up to a now 20 year old Edward Elric. One who is taller than before, with hair that went all the way down his back. His now fully flesh arms pick up the small girl that wasn't his own blood, though took her back to his, and the now passed brigadier general's house. The girl wasn't his. The girl did, however belong to Roy. Ed had found out who the mother was though.

"The child is yours and Roy's?"

"Yes... I'm sorry I'm telling you this now, but when Roy and I had an affair, he hadn't used protection one night, and neither had I. Then I wound up pregnant with his child. I never knew you and him were in a relationship. If I had known I wouldn't have done it.." Riza explained to Ed, who had only nodded in response.

How the hell can you betray me like that? Then leave me with such a big burden...?

He had become almost completely mute upon finding out the death of his so called soulmate. He was devastated.

The two finally arrived home. "Dad. Can I tell you what happened today at school?" She asked, Ed shaking his head.

"Not yet... I have to go to my appointment... tell me when I get back... Al... watch over her while I'm gone..." he said dully. He then grabbed his coat and headed to his therapy appointment.

"Well... we have already checked on you. You definitely have clinical depression. As well as the fact that you're colorblind once again. Only... it's been getting worse and worse..." Ed nodded at his therapists words.

I already knew that... I may be completely blind soon...

It felt like years before he was out of that god forsaken office. He went back home to his daughter.

"Dad! Welcome home!" She exclaimed, running up to him and hugging his legs.

"I have to show you something!" She held a note in the shape of a heart.

"What is it?" Ed asked her.

"A note from my crush. Lemme read it to you." She clears her throat.

"This may be sudden, but I really like you. Your hair, your eyes, everything about you! You look pretty and you are a really nice girl. I... I love you! Because you're my soulmate!" Ed stiffened at the word that was so familiar to him. That same word that caused so much to happen all at once.

"I'm confused about something... what's a soulmate?" She asked Ed.

Soulmate? That's hard to explain... especially when... is so hard to describe what it really truly means...

Ed smiled sadly, tears welling up in his eyes as thought about Roy and all the good times they shared.

"Well... a soulmate is someone who'll always stay by your side. A best friend but more... so much more... someone who, even if they hurt you, you still love them because there's no way in hell you could ever hate them. You'll know they're the one when you two first meet. From a simple touch of the hand... you're whole world bursts into color... it bursts into life like you've never seen it before... they make you feel happy. They make you feel alive... the show you and teach, just what love has to offer. They are a huge part of you... a soulmate... even when the day comes when they find someone new or they pass away, deep down inside you, you know that they still love and care about you... and you would feel the same exact way. They cared about you. Wanted you. Needed you. Loved you... you keep them in your heart and soul for life... in memory. In mind. In heart. A soulmate... your beginning..."

The whisper of your voice haunts me...

I'm sorry my love...

What does that voice mean?

I've hurt you...

What is it trying to tell me?

My love... I've hurt you too many times. Why aren't you upset?

How could I ever be upset with you?

All the wrongs I've done... you don't hate me?

No... I can't hate you. Even if you hated me... I still love you. Forever and always.

I don't hate you...

Then why? Why did you hurt me? Cheat on me? Leave me?

No answer... of course... just as I thought...

"Dad! When I look at everything it's all bright and colorful!"

You left me once more with questions left unanswered...

"How nice sweetheart... I have to go now... goodbye..."

Not anymore... you won't leave me like this... you will answer... even if that means having to reach you... up close and personal...

"Alphonse... take care of her..." I completely ignore the scream of agony and fear from my brother. Nothing can stop me now... we meet again... anti-depressants. This time... you will take my pain away...

I'll see you once again Roy... and I will get the answers to my questions... that's not a threat... it's a promise...

"Edward. Why?" Cold eyes glare at me. Fearful, desperate, saddened, guilty.

"I had to... it was the only way..." I stare back with bitter eyes. Dull, emotionless, dead, depressed.

"I wanted answers... and I will get them one way or another. This is the portal of truth... so spill it..." He doesn't say a word. He runs up to me, hugging my spirt like body tightly. I can't feel anything, but a tight grip around my dead body. I don't react. No motion. No movement. Nothing.

"This doesn't answer a thing... you better tell me... or else..." I threaten once more. He's hesitant, but I finally get my answers. He whispers in my ear. Words that made me weep. With every phrase... every sentence... every word... every letter... every sound... that spewed out of his cold lips, I couldn't hold back. I weeped and mourned for my lover.

"I'm sorry...." I whimper out.

"What have you done?! Why would you do this?! What about your brother?!" He shouted at me. I'm silent. I don't respond.

We both are dead... never to see each other again... never to feel each other again... I tightly hold onto him. One. Last. Time. Before he starts to fade away from me... forever.

"No!! Roy!! Come back!! I love you!! Don't leave me!! Not again!!" I fade away. Until... I'm gone... for good...

Why would I do this? Like I said... you're my soulmate...

"They're your beginning...

... and they're your end..."

RoyEd~SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now