S⃣orrowful Days

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Depression. All of a sudden, it hits Roy. It was only a day after Ed confessed to Roy about how he's felt about the secrets. Roy just can't put his finger on it. On why he feels sad all of a sudden. He feels as though he can't explain himself to Ed. Who know what'll happen if he does? Their feelings could along with their color. Roy didn't want that. Knowing that Roy was Ed's frost love made him even more sad about what might happen if Roy did tell him. He didn't know what to do about any of this. He wanted to tell Ed the truth, but then again he felt he couldn't in case of anything bad happening afterwards. He didn't want to lose Ed. And he didn't want Ed to lose him.

Currently Roy was alone in his office with Ed sitting on the couch and talking with Roy. Roy had too much on his mind to even pay attention to Ed. Thinking about what the hell could be making him sad.

"Roy? Roy, are you listening? Roy!" Ed called out to him. Roy quickly snapping out of his thoughts.

"Babe... you've been spacing out all day... what's wrong?" Ed asked him, looking at Roy with a concerning gaze. Roy just shook his head.

"I'm sorry... a lot is just on my mind. Everything at work just seems overwhelming." Roy said, making up a quick excuse.

"Oh. I'm sorry baby. I hope things will get better." Ed said smiling at Roy. He believed him. Roy sighed, giving a small smile in return.

"Thanks..." Roy muttered in reply, going back to staring blankly at his desk. Ed still looked at Roy, noticing his actions and keeping them in mind. He was unsure if something else was really going on with him. He dropped it knowing Roy wouldn't answer, too much in a daze to even realize Ed was speaking.

The room was silent for the rest of the time. After work hours were over Ed asked Roy if he could come over. Roy didn't want to reject Ed so he decided it'd be okay to let him stay the night. Ed was happy that Roy said yes, Roy just going along with it for now until he felt like he couldn't hold anything in anymore. The two of them walked to where Roy stayed. A nice little house with little decor and furniture, but it was home to Roy. Ed liked it. It felt similar to his old home. He quickly grew accustomed to it.

"This is a nice place you have here." Ed told Roy, Roy only nodding slightly.

"I like how it looks. Not much to it, but it has it's only little charm in its own way.." Ed told him. Nothing this time. Not even the slightest bit of movement. Ed couldn't take it anymore.

"Roy. What's going on? I told you, don't leave me with questions left unanswered." Ed told him, looking up at him with a serious look.

"That should be your own little saying. Like a catchphrase or something." Roy responded after what seemed like days with no answers.

"After hours of silence that's all you have to say to me? Babe. I don't want you to keep things from me. We're a couple now. We're in a good, strong, healthy relationship. I... I want to know that you can trust me..." Ed said to him. Roy suddenly hugged him.

"I'm sorry. I know I haven't talked to you much today. It's just that so much is going on through my mind, and I don't wanna vent and rant to you. I just wanna have time to talk with my inner demons, you know? Think things through." Roy told him, Ed burying his head in reply and not responding.

"Come on. Don't give me the silent treatment. I mean... I don't have room to talk, but still. It's just things with work, and my past, and my PTSD, and other things that just hit me like a flash. I'm sorry... I'll make it up to you. I'll be with you for as long as you want me to be. Even if I'm busy, I'm all yours. We can do whatever, whenever. As long as you're happy and I'm happy. As long as we're both happy together. Your happiness is important to me. Okay?" Roy suggested to him, Ed smiling up at him, giving him a soft peck of the cheek.

"Thanks, love. I'd really like that a lot. I love you." Ed said, Roy smiling back at Ed.

"I love you too... now... what do you wanna do first?" Roy asked him.

"Sleep." Roy chuckled.

"Same here. It's been a long day. Let's go to my room and get some sleep."

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