A⃣fter All

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Months pass. Things seem to be okay. For Ed that is. He doesn't realize. Not yet at least. Roy is only faking their love. He doesn't feel what he used to felt. Ever since that day they made that promise, he's gone completely against it. So much is on his mind. If anything else happens he could burst. He still doesn't understand it. Why he feels this way. He thought he'd gotten over it. He thought he had moved on until it came right back to him. He can feel it. It's a sinking feeling in chest with the constant reminder in his head. Telling him. Begging him. To just let it out, or let everything go. To either cry or die. It was such a terrible feeling to Roy. He wanted to be happy with Ed, but he just couldn't feel it. He couldn't feel anything anymore. He didn't want to upset Ed or make him lose his color again, so he came up with a plan. He had decided to fake his love for Ed. He would pretend like everything was fine and perfect. When in reality everything was broken. He was breaking. And even though he tried to be as convincing as possible, it never truly worked. Ed could see right through him. He knew that he was only faking it, though didn't want to upset Roy more than he probably already was. Always sneaking quick glances into his bedroom when he thought he was alone to see that he was crying hard with his knees brought up to his chest. He'd even notice empty bottles of various types of alcohol littered across his room. Roy was a mess. And he didn't know what to do.

Recently Roy always wanted alone time with himself, telling Ed to sleep on the couch for the night. Ed had planned on moving in with Roy, but with the way things have been going, he decided to postpone that until Roy was okay again, unless this was a permanent thing, then he'd have to cancel that idea all together. It made Ed sad when Roy told him to sleep on the couch. He didn't understand why it had to be the couch... when they had a spare bedroom. Was there something in there that Ed couldn't see? That he wasn't allowed to see? He sighed at the thought.

'Keeping secrets from me... again? I thought I told you... multiple times... we'd tell each other what's going on... immediately...'

"Hey... Roy.." Ed muttered, hearing Roy sniffle before quickly stopping.

"H-huh? W-what is it?" Roy asked. Getting up to answer the door. Ed looked at his bloodshot eyes, smelling his alcoholic aroma which wasn't his usual scent. He'd been drinking his pain away once again.

"I just... thought that maybe we could...  talk to each other about anything that's going on right now.. like our problems or... whatever is happening in our heads... you promised we'd tell each other everything that's going on... remember?" Ed asked him. He stiffened slightly, though shook his head in response.

"I don't have anything going on with me... and I doubt there's anything wrong with you... it'd be a pretty boring conversation..." Roy said somewhat harshly.

"Then maybe we can just talk... about anything... like we used to.." Roy shook his head once again.

"No. I just... want to be alone.."

"Roy. You've been alone... for weeks! I barely get to see or talk to you anymore... what happened?! What changed?! Do you still love me?!" Ed exclaimed.

"Of course I do... you can still see color... can't you?"

"That doesn't mean anything! You've been ignoring me and pushing me away when all I want is to be around you! I missed smelling your scent, looking into your beautiful eyes... but you've changed so much that I can't do any of those! I just want you to show that you really truly love me! And to stop pushing me away! Please! That's all I ask of you! Let me be with you again! Let's just talk about this for a minute! We can work things out! We are always able to fix our problems! Things will be back to normal if you just-!"

It was all of a sudden. Ed stopped speaking, standing there in shock as his cheek starting stinging, his head snapping to the side, stumbling back a bit. He looked back to see a hand extended out, becoming slightly red, his cheek even more so. His eyes had widened as his lover looked at him. Intensely mad. Ed was scared. It was all of a sudden.

"Things won't work out in the end, so just give it up already!! I'm damaged Ed!! And there's no way of you fixing me!! So just leave me alone! As a matter of fact... leave." Roy suddenly said.

"W-what?" Ed asked with a shaky, uneven tone.

"I think it'd be best if just went back to wherever you stay... and leave me alone. Don't come back until a week or whenever I say you can come back..." Roy said, looking down at the ground.


"I said go!" Roy yelled, causing Ed to quickly leave the house, about to leave before saying something to Roy.

"This isn't you Roy... something's up... I won't be left with questions unanswered. Even if I have to beat it out of you..." Ed snarled.

"Is that a threat?" Roy mumbled. Ed turned around, his back facing Roy.

"No... it's a promise..."

RoyEd~SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now