D⃣welling in the Past

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Roy had lied to Ed. On the first day that they have been together. He couldn't bear to tell him the truth. The memory being too painful to relive. It is true that if your soulmate passes away then you lose the color, but that's not the true reason why Roy became colorblind again. It was odd that Roy had the colorblindness to begin with since only a small fraction of him was Xerxian. He was half Amestrain and half Xingenese for sure, but the condition was only spread through the Xerxian bloodline. Though there was still the slight possibility that it could spread to anyone.

Roy happened to be a rare case, gaining it when he was born. Once he fully understood his condition, he was determined to search for a cure. He was young at the time, so he believed that legend of soulmates. He was glad he did. Though countless trials and errors led him to stray away from that fairytale. He was about ready to give up. That is, until he joined the military camp in hopes of joining the military.

It was during military camp when he was eighteen. The two became fitness for a while, then when they held each other's hands, Roy saw color. Hughes wasn't colorblind to begin with. Roy was the one. When Roy found this out he couldn't be any happier. He told Maes who smiled at him, glad he could see the real world around him. Years later up to the Ishval War, Roy first finds out about Hughes cheating on him with Gracia. He found love letters that were sent back and forth to each other. His color started to fade. It was one sided love. So his color was slowly fading to the same colors, but dull and bland. Then when Roy's feelings of romance faded away, so did the rest of the dull colors he could see. It was completely black and white.

"Roy. I'm sure you already know, but I have a new girlfriend. We've been kinda... lacking in our relationship, so I already found myself someone new. And she is so lovely! I swear, just by reading her letters I could tell she's a beautiful woman!"

Hughes would brag about it all the time. Even mentioning how their relationship had been drifting apart. And Roy would always respond with the same phrase. Roy couldn't handle Hughes talking like that about someone else. He was angered. Jealous. Envious. All he wanted was to be loved and see the world the way it's intended to be. Maes let Roy go. Sure, they were still friends, but Roy would still cry himself to sleep thinking about what might've been with Hughes. During that war. Right in the battlefield. When Hughes would brag about his new girlfriend who replaced Roy. Roy would say the exact same sentence. Every. Single. Time.

Roy would point his fingers into a gun.

"You know what they say about men in the army who brag about their girls back home..."

Aim at Hughes chest.

"...they don't make it back home alive..."

And pulls the trigger.

"Damn... who would've thought my own words would be turned against me? Who would've thought a single sentence like that, could become a reality... I'm a fool... I lied to Ed. And I let Hughes die before me, engraving his mind with my jealousy and anger. I really am a fool... I need to tell Ed the truth eventually... I'll... I'll tell him later... when I can bring myself to say it.." he told himself while pacing around the room.

"Yeah... I'll wait a little bit until I tell him. I just need to stop dwelling in the past, get over it, and rip the bandaid off fast...! Tomorrow... no... uh... next week... yeah... next week sounds good.."

RoyEd~SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now