M⃣y Final Breath

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It's cold... dark... finally... a peaceful resolution... so that neither Ed nor I can be hurt any longer... finally...

Three days earlier
I go home once I hear about what I have to do in about three days. The military has gone and done it again... and goddammit... I don't think I'll be able to make it this time. I hear running outside my house from my living room. Pounding at the door echoes throughout the house. I get up and slowly answer the door, suitcase in hand, military uniform still on. It's the one I wish I hadn't seen before I left. For if I had, it'd only make it harder for me to leave.

"Edward... what're you doing here? I have to go..." Roy said blandly, sighing a little.

"Please don't go yet! I... I have to spend one more night with you..." Ed said quietly.

"I have to go Edward. You don't love me... we both can't see color. So our love is gone... so just give up on me and leave..." Roy responded, about to leave the house, but was stopped by Ed.

"No... this time... you'll listen to me. You're not walking out on me this time-"

"Last time I checked you walked out on me..."

"Roy! Just shut up for five minutes and let me talk!" Ed said, pushing Roy back into the house, and pushing him onto the couch then getting on top of him. Roy's eyes widened. Ed gripped onto Roy's collar, kissing him deeply. Roy almost instantly pushed him away.

"Edward stop... I don't want this... and I know you don't want this either... you're just afraid of losing me... so you're trying desperately to find the love we once had. It's over Ed. We're over." Ed shook his head quickly.

"No... no... you're not thinking straight! W-we can still be together! K-kiss me!" Ed shouted, desperately kissing him again. Roy pushed him away once more.

"Edward... please... please stop... you're making it harder for me to leave..."

"Because you still love me... r-right?"

"No... because you keep trying to make me stay alive... when all I went is to die... you try so hard to make me feel something... anything... when I feel is numb... Edward... I know for sure I won't make it out alive in the war... whether I'm killed from my hands or from the hands of another... I don't want the last thing I say to you to be a lie..."

"Then tell me you love me..." Ed said quietly.

"That's a lie Edward... I can't tell you that... I don't love you Edward..." Roy got Ed off of him. He grabbed his suitcase, heading for the door.

"I'm happy for the time we spent together... I'm happy I could make you see color... even if it was for a little bit... I'm sorry for everything... I'm not a very trusting man... I've done unspeakable things to you, myself, and the people in my life... you right... about everything before... I still have much I'm hiding from you... heh... you'll never know what the hell is going on in my mind... especially because of this war... I'm not going to lie to you... I don't love you anymore Ed... thank you for everything... but it's time I go... it's time I let you go... you should do the same Edward... trust me... I'm not worth your time..." Roy then left for the war. And that was the final thing he said to Ed before heading for the train station, to get on the train for Xing.

"Roy... you... you didn't even let me speak... you didn't tell me everything like you promised you would... you... you didn't even say goodbye..."

Well... here we are... at Xing... it's utter chaos here... all I hear are the sweet sounds of gunshots and the disgustingly pleasing sound of shrill screams of agony. All this blood pooling around dead corpses. The crimson color I've never seen and never will see... seems scarily familiar to me... it's almost as if the only color I can see is black, white, gray, and blood red... I'm surprised I haven't died yet... I was hoping maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't have to be the one to do the job... guess... I have no other choice.

I think about all I've done... I reminisce about painful, but peaceful memories. Bittersweet collections of the past...

Like when we first found out we were soulmates... and our love was two sided...
"Wait. It was two sided? So that means..."

"Congrats. Our feelings are the same."

"Ed. You're my soulmate... I can't believe this!"

And when he said I love you. He was the first one to say those three words that heal and hurt me...
"Yeah. I... I love you."

"I love you too, Ed."

I wish... I wish there was a way you could've taken my pain away...
"Is there any way I can take your pain away?"

"I just want you to comfort me..."

I'm sorry I lied to you.... when we were in the middle of something intimate... my emotions got in the way... I couldn't tell you the truth...
"Ed... in this moment, I feel the most alive. This is the most alive I've felt. And it just hit me. Ed. You're my soulmate! You made me see the world so much brighter than Maes could ever make it! I... I love you!"

I'm sorry that... I'm leaving you... even when I said I wouldn't...
"You're my first love... I don't want you to leave me..."

"Please... don't go... please..."

"I told you... I'd never leave you..."

I made empty promises...
"I promise I'll tell you anything that happens with me."

"I'm so sorry about before. I promise I'll never do it again..."

"Ed. I promise I'm not having an affair with Riza."

You were right...
"... so... this is goodbye... for good..."

This is the final thought I'll have of you... the final memory I'll grasp onto... my final breath...

I grasped onto the gun firmly in my hands.

Goodbye Hughes...

I would point my fingers into a gun...

Goodbye Riza...

Aim at my own chest...

Goodbye... Edward...

And pull the trigger...

RoyEd~SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now