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"Happy birfday bruder!" A younger Elric boy shouted with a smile on his face. Ed is celebrating his 4th birthday with his 3 year old brother Alphonse. The older of the two is happily celebrating, not caring about his condition. Only focusing on being with his family. Ed smiled at his younger brother who looked happy, as well as the mother. Ed looked around the room, wondering where his father is. He looks back to his mother, with a single question on his mind.

"Momma. Where's dad at?" He asked to his mother, who looked at him with a slight gleam of a tear in her eyes. He sees this and frowns at the sight of his upset mother. She quickly smiles and picks him up, cradling him in her arms. She holds him tight.

"Don't worry honey. He'll be back soon, okay? No need to worry about me dear." Ed stares for a while before nuzzling into her chest. With a light touch of her fingers she moves Ed's bangs out of his face, just to watch as they fell back in place.

"All right birthday boy. Let's get you to bed." The small boy yawns, and brings a thumb to his mouth.

"You too Al. Come on. It's getting late after all." The other boy walks with her up to their bedrooms in which they share. She places Ed down in his bed and kisses his forehead, tucking him in and making the blankets comfortable for him. She then goes over to the younger Elric and does the same.

"Goodnight boys. Sweet dreams." She whispers sweetly then turns off the lights, leaving the boys to rest and dream peacefully and happily.

Years pass. The two boys now a bit older. Meaning they have a better understanding of things. Ed, 10 years old, and Al, 9 years. The two boys are older and able to understand more things that are necessary to know. Things that may take some time to comprehend and fully understand. Like death. Laying before the Elric boys is their mother, deathly pale, with a wet cloth on her forehead, her hand holding onto two much smaller ones. They don't know this, but their mother was sick. Horribly ill. Al stares at her, confused as to why she looks so tired, and isn't falling asleep. And Ed, looking at her with a smile, hoping and thinking that she's just a little sick with a flu. It's something much greater than that though. Even though a smile is on his face, his eyes show that he knows something is wrong, but there's still the slightest bit of hope. A sliver. She looks at her bundles of sunshine, with only the smallest smile she could muster.

"Ed... could you... do me a favor?" She asks, her voice raspy and rough.

"Anything for you mom." He says still gripping onto his mother's hand.

"Could you... make me some flowers.... with your alchemy... yes.... your father.... always... made.... those....." Her grasp loosens. Her pupils become colorless and dead. They shut fully, as her fingers let go of the small fingers she held onto for dear life. Slowly... so deathly slow. A silence fills the air. The atmosphere changes, as they feel their mothers cold hands let go of theirs.

"Mom...?" Ed calls out. Though it's too late. She let's out one final breath. And lays there limply.

"Mom... mom!!! Mom!!" He cries out to her.


At the funeral, the loved ones of Trisha Elric, stand in front of her grave which has flowers that Ed has made like she asked. They all stand there saddened. Winry, Pinako, others, and of course the two boys, Ed and Al, the ones who are mourning and weeping for their late mother. Hours pass and they are still there. Al sitting on the ground, his knees to his chest while Ed is standing tall.

"Brother, how are we gonna live without her?" Ed bows his head and clenches his fists.

"We're gonna bring her back." I'm no longer going to be a victim. I've been hurt too many times... but not this time... I'll bring her back... I will... I know I will...

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