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It was always the same thing. Roy leaves at the night. The only time Ed and Roy could be with each for a long period of time. Ed didn't mind at first, but then when this became a daily routine, Ed was sick of it. He became more lonely by the second. More and more, his color was fading. He could still see the color, but it was becoming dull. He didn't understand why. Roy still loved him... right?

Ed sighed as Roy got home from work, Ed staying home for a bit since he was feeling a little sick.

"Hey babe. How're you feeling?" Roy asked him, Ed shrugging and giving him a bland response.


"You don't sound all that peachy to me."

"No, really?" Ed responded sarcastically, sighing more as he turned away from Roy.

"What's going on? You don't seem like yourself. I know that you're sick, but... your behavior seems different."

"Wow! You finally noticed! Good job you bastard." Ed answered, giving him a fake applause.

"Why are you acting this way?" Roy asked him, becoming very confused.

"Let me think... why do you always go out at night, and when you return you smell even more of Riza's perfume? Are you cheating on me with Riza?" Ed asked him. Roy's eyes widened in response.

"What?! No! Why would I cheat on you?! You're my soulmate Ed! I would never cheat on you!" Roy exclaimed.

"I'm your soulmate. Yeah. Remember what happens when you find your soulmate? You can see color. Tell me Roy. Why my color has been fading to a duller color rather than still be bright." Roy stiffened once Ed had mentioned that. Roy's had been fading much more than Ed's, though, Ed's cold faded faster than Roy's. Roy tried to make up an excuse and play it off cooly.

"You're color has been fading? That unfortunate... I really don't know why it would be. You still love me, yeah? And I still love you. That's odd..."

"Roy... there's a mark on your neck... where is that from?" Ed asked him, pointing out the hickey on his neck from Riza. Roy quickly covered it up.

"It's from you silly." Roy said chuckling lightly.

"Don't play dumb with me Roy. Last time I gave you a hickey was months ago when we first had sex... you're having an affair with Riza aren't you?"

"Ed. I promise I'm not having an affair with Riza."

"Then who are you having an affair with? If not Riza, then who?"

"No one Ed! I'm not having an affair with anyone-!"

"Oh really?! Then what is that hickey from?! If it wasn't from me or Riza, which I doubt it wasn't from Riza, then who was it from?!" Ed asked, raising his voice slightly.

"If not from anyone, okay! It's not even a hickey!"

"But you just said-!"

"I know I said it was from you! Because I thought it was. But now that I remember it, it's just a small bug bite. From a spider or something. Okay! Now just... stop yelling and arguing with me over something as small as a fucking mark on my neck!" Roy said, storming out of the room to go to his. He grabbed his jacket, muttering to himself under his breath. Ed noticed him heading for the door and immediately stopped him.

"And where do you think you're going?" Ed asked him.

"Out." He answered simply.

"Out with Riza?"

"For God's sake Edward! I'm not having an affair with anyone! I'm leaving now! I'm done arguing." Roy said, opening the door.

"Wow. Not even going to take care of your sick boyfriend? Wow... just wow... and here I thought you still loved and cared about me." Ed mumbled.

"You're about as intolerable as a girl..." Roy muttered.

"What was that?!"

"You're insufferable! You say things only a girl would say! It's so irritating! You assume I'm cheating on you over the stupidest things you find out! You're such a pain in the ass!" Roy yelled.

"Done arguing, huh? You sure about that? Because sounds to me you're arguing with me again!" Roy groaned frustratedly.

"There you go again! Making me the bad guy and acting like the victim! Ugh! I can't stand it anymore!"

"If you can't stand me anymore, then just break up with me for good!"

"Well maybe I will!" Roy yelled. Ed gasped, his eyes wide. Roy bit his bottom lip, instantly regretting what he said.

"Ed... I'm so sorry... I was just mad and-"

"Save it Roy. I'm done with your excuses and lies. Fine... break up with me... see if I care... and to think... you'd really truly be my soulmate... I'm an idiot for thinking you'd be the one to cure me... if this is love, then I don't ever want to fall in love again... pack my stuff and I'll go... goodbye Roy... this time, you can't just apologize and make everything better."

"What can I do to repay you? What can I do to win you back." Ed looked down, gritting his teeth, clenching his fists.

"Nothing... I'm done being with you forever. There's nothing you can do to make this better... so... this is goodbye... for good..." Ed said, pushing Roy out of the way and walking out of the house, leaving Roy.

Roy sighed, leaving the house with regret, guilt, and an engagement ring with broken promises that, in this situation, meant nothing now.

Ed teared up, leaving Roy with heartbreak, sadness, and with the world around him that was now back to how colorless it was before when he was born. And just like when Ed was first brought into the world, he cried. And cried. And cried.

RoyEd~SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now