O⃣f course

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"Roy Mustang. Age 15." A man wrote down.

"Riza dear, are you sure about him?" The old man asks to his daughter. She nods and stands beside him.

"Yes father. I'm sure he'll help us a bit around here." He looks back at the paper with his name, age, and a picture of him. He raises a finger to his chin, thinking more about the boy.

"Fine. He better be of use." Riza stares longingly at the picture.

"I'm sure he'll be of use. I'm sure of it."

"Welcome Roy. I hear you'll be helping out." The tall 15 year old with raven locks walks in and bows politely.

"Yes. I'll help out however you need me to." The man nods and points to where the boy can place his belongings. Roy puts his things down and shakes his hand along with Riza's.

"Thank you for having me here! I'm sure you'll be glad to have me here sir!"

"Roy Mustang! Front and center!" The male, now of age 18, stands up straight while a much bigger man stands in front of him.

"Salute soldier!" The man yells gruffly, as Roy raises a hand to his forehead. He bigger man walks off to pick on the next soldier he sees. Roy releases the breath he held in and relaxes. One of his mates, Maes, walks up to him and pats him on the back.

"Calm down Roy! Goodness gracious. That man had you all shaken up! This isn't anything new. Come on! You've been at this academy for a while now! Come on man!" He says as Roy's sweat continues to dampen his forehead slightly.

"I know. It's just.... The man's WAY bigger than I am..." Maes snickers as he hears his comment.

"Roy Mustang... Are you saying you're short?" He says as he tells straight away that Roy is not amused about that question.

"Shut the hell up Maes!! I'm not short, you hear me!" He yells at his now laughing partner.

"Hey! You know you love me." He replies with a smirk. Roy smiles at him, quickly calming down.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too, you douchebag." He says as Maes wraps an arm around him. Something just seems off about Hughes lately... What is he hiding? Roy thinks to himself, as he wonders about his soulmate. There's no way that the one who helped me regain my color, is betraying me.... Right?

The war. Ishval, is now in ruins as it finally ended. Roy now has the eyes of a killer. Wreaking havoc and giving his eyes a menacing glare from all the innocents he had to slaughter, using the alchemy he learned from Riza. The image of the tattoo on her back, engraving all the study of flame alchemy, remembering the words that she muttered, about scarring all of his work onto a place where no man can find it. Him hearing the words, "burn the marks of my father's studies," piercing his mind, hearing that from a woman like her. His eyes now stained with bloodshed as well as heartbreak. His lover, the one who had brought color into his world, was cheating on him with a woman named Gracia.

A world once with vivid life, now back to the dull reality, lacking anything interesting. His onyx eyes gleaming with fear and making them fearful itself. His point of view is now back to how it was when he was born years ago. Only having one year of bright sunshine, and bursts of other colors. But of course, he's back to how it was before. Lifeless.

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