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As Roy had said, it's a week later and he's about to tell Ed the truth. Ed is hanging out at his dorm, just chilling around his place. Laying on the couch and still trying to connect the dots on the whole, Hughes and Roy still being together until his death, but Gracia is in between them. He's snapped out of his thoughts when he hears a knock at the door. He answers the door and see it's Roy.

"Hey Ed. Got a minute to talk?" Roy asked him, nervously scratching the back of his head. Ed nods allowing Roy into his dorm.

"Yeah. There's something I've been meaning to ask you about. It's regarding Hughes." Ed told him.

"Ed. I didn't explain everything. I didn't tell you what really happened. So I know you're questioning it. And I have an answer for it. I know I do. What is your question? I'm sure I have an answer." Roy asks Ed.

"How could you have been with Hughes until he died when he's still involved with Gracia and Elicia?" Ed asks casing Roy to nod.

"The truth is... we weren't together until he was killed. He... he cheated on me with Gracia." Roy said trailing off, Ed being completely shocked.

"Our relationship wasn't really going anywhere. It was mainly just the two of us joking around and occasionally doing couple things. If anything we were more friends with benefits than a couple. So instead of telling me he wanted to break up with me, he thought I'd understand ahead of time, and started talking with Gracia." Ed listened to Roy as he explained. Everything was finally getting answered.

"Then, was that when you lost your color? When you found out he was cheating on you?" Ed asks him.

"Well... yes and no. When I found out through love letters he didn't hide very well, my surroundings became completely dull. Not quite black and white, just dull. I still had feelings for him. Though it was one sided, I was only able to see color through a bland lens. I didn't want that to be my image. What I woke up to see everyday. I let him go. I let my feelings for him go. So I could see in black and white again, rather than dull colors."

"But why? Wouldn't you rather want to see at least some color than none?" Ed asked him. Roy shaking his head and looking down sadly.

"I thought about that at first. He was my first love after all... but what I tried to trick my brain into doing, was seeing monotone and thinking I never found my soulmate... that it was all just a sweet dream... or even a beautiful nightmare... obviously, I failed." Ed looked at Roy sadly, feeling sorry for him.

"Was that all? If there's more you can explain." Ed asked him softly, not wanting to upset him more than he already was.

"There is more. When we split apart, and he'd constantly brag about his wife and daughter, I'd get so angry at him. Telling him to stop talking about them so damn much. Those phone calls where I'd hang up on him yelling bloody murder, weren't just because of military reasons, but because I was jealous he had found a new lover so quickly. I was mad at him. When I shouldn't have been. I would tell him constantly during the war if he wouldn't shut up about her, he'd die. I didn't want that to become true! I feel like that's my punishment for being greedy, and envious, and wrathful towards him, when I should've just moved on. What's done was done... but... he was killed... out of no where.. just like that... it still stings knowing that... he died while trying to call me... it's almost chilling... so... that's it. That's what I've been hiding from you.. I didn't mean to keep it from you for so long... I just couldn't bring myself to tell you... I didn't want your feelings towards me to change after I told you.." Roy finished explaining. The two were both sitting on the couch, Ed asking questions, and Roy answering them. Ed was at a loss of words. All he could do was simply wrap his arms around his back.

"Is there any way I can take your pain away?" Ed asks him, rubbing his hand up and down Roy's back lightly, using his fingertips to create small patterns into his shirt.

"I just want you to comfort me... I'm glad I got that off my chest, but now I just need a little comfort." Ed pulled away from Roy, he looked at him with a small half smile, half smirk.

"I think I know a certain kind of comfort that might help take your mind off things... that is... if you want to do it with me.." Ed said shyly.

"I... I want to do it with you..."

Don't think that just because there'll be smut in the next chapter, means that there won't be some sort of angst or sad symbolism. All I'm saying is, don't get your hopes up. I know that the smut was sorta sudden, but trust me, it's necessary.   

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