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"N-no... no! No!! Ed!! Please!! You can't leave me!! Not like this!!" Roy shouted, knowing fully well that Ed couldn't hear him. Ed ran as fast as he could back to Roy's place. He slammed open the door, finding Roy laying on the ground by the phone which was hanging off its line. Ed instantly kneeled beside Roy, tears streaming down his face.

"Roy! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!!" Ed cried out, Roy quickly clinging onto Ed, sobbing into his chest loudly. Ed held onto the back of his head, running his fingers through his hair, before grabbing a fistful of hair gently. Both of them cried. Roy crying more than Ed.

"Roy... I'm so sorry... I should've listened to you... I didn't think things would become this bad.. I'm sorry! I was foolish to ignore you! I shouldn't have done that! I made a huge mistake! Please... I'm so sorry!" Ed apologized over and over again.

After the two of them calming down for what seemed like hours of crying, they finally were able to talk. Calmly. Roy explained himself in better detail about his sudden depression. Ed took note of all that new information. Ed continued to say he was sorry, even though Roy said he forgives him. Ed wouldn't stop. They hugged things out, Ed letting out a few more tears, with Roy wiping away and kissing each tear that came out.

"I love you.." Roy whispered.

"I-I love you too! So much! I... I think after this happening, we should make a promise with each other. One that we have to keep for as long as we are together. " Roy listened to him, looking up at him with bloodshot eyes.

"We have to promise to each other that if anything. Anything at all is going on that makes us feel a certain way, like depressed or mad, we have to tell each other immediately. So that none of this happens again. I don't want you to keep things from me. But I'm the one to blame because I kept ignoring you. That's another thing. We can't ignore each other. We can't keep on interrupting when we have to speak up and say something important. Promise me, that next time you have to tell me something, you tell me it's important. I'll listen." Roy nodded in agreement.

"Okay. I promise I'll tel you anything that happens with me. Then you have to promise that you won't interrupt me when I have to tell me. I promise I'll get whatever it is off my chest, you just have to let me talk." Ed also nodded in agreement.

"I'm promise. I won't let anything like this happen again. I'll listen. I'll let you talk. I'm sorry I caused this mess to happen in the first place."

"Let's not blame anyone for this happening. We're both partially responsible for this happening. I should've told you sooner and you should've let me explain. Let's just act like none of this happened. And move on."

"Okay... I'd like that a lot. I love you Roy." Roy smiled at Ed, sighing.

"I love you too Ed... I'll be sure to keep that promise..."

Roy said he'd keep that promise. You can't break a promise... unless you have your fingers crossed.

RoyEd~SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now