E⃣verything's fine

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Colonel Roy Mustang. Age 29. Also known as the Flame Alchemist. It's another day. Where everything is perfectly fine with the world. It's all the same. Same as in his subordinate is late. Again.

"Lieutenant, where is he?" He asks a woman with blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes, the woman he had known for quite some time.

"I'm not sure sir. But him and Alphonse are late." The male groans as he runs his fingers through his ebony hair.

"That boy.. he needs to stop being late! It's pissing me off! I can't keep covering for him for being late AND not turning in his reports on time. What am I gonna do with that boy?" He ranted on. Such a child I swear! He's fifteen for crying out loud! He should learn some responsibility. It was then that the door could be heard clicked open. Both turned their heads to see the ones they wanted to see.

"Sorry I'm late Colonel. Al and I... well, never mind that. We're here now!" He said with a smirk, causing Roy to sigh.

"Edward Elric.... Fullmetal... you're late... again..." He said twitching his eyebrows.

"Well who cares? At least I'm here now. Who cares if I'm a little late?" He retorted back.

"Fullmetal. I care. Because now I have to cover it up for you just so you can stay in the military to get that damn philosopher's stone. Which I'm guessing that search isn't going very well, is it?" Ed furrowed his eyebrows, and growled at the comment.

"Shaddup!! We're doing perfectly fine with the stone! Listen! If you only wanted me, just to annoy me, I'm not interested. I can't waste my time with a pompous Colonel, who has the ego the size of his brain. But wait! That's not true because your brain is the size of molecule!" He said stubbornly, causing Roy to chuckle as he had a snappy comeback.

"Well at least my brain is bigger than your whole body, shorty." He scoffed. Ed clenched his fists, ready to lunge at Roy.

"Why you-!!" He said about to tackle Roy to the ground but being held back by his brother. Of course Ed struggled while being stuck in Al's arms.

"Brother stop! The Colonel may have a god-complex and a brain the size of a walnut, but you can't attack him just because he called you short." Ed's struggling comes to a stop as he realizes he won't be escaping anytime soon. He is then let go and shrugs his shoulders, ready to leave.

"Whatever. Let's go Al." He says reaching for the door knob and Al following close behind. Roy reaches a hand toward Ed.

"Okay okay. Enough fooling around. All jokes aside, I'm really worried about you being late all the time. It's hard to cover up you know. Also your late reports are a pain, and the fact you keep failing your missions. This is not an easy task Fullmetal. It's just as hard of a job for me as it is you." The blonde groans still ready to head out the door away from his superior nagging him. As per usual.

"Are you going to keep naming all the things I'm bad at, and show just how much of a failure I am?! If so I'm not interested! I don't need a headache this early in my day. Now if you'll excuse me I'm leaving now. Unless you actually have something important to say, I'm not going to stay." He says slowly feeling a sharp pain in his head. Showing he was having a headache. The older male sighs, looking at Riza and giving her a nod with stern eyes. She nods back.

"Alphonse. Let's leave these two alone. They have something important to discuss." Al nods without any intrusions. They both leave the room leaving Roy and Ed alone to talk about their situation that only they could talk about. Roy walks over to his desk, sitting down in his chair. Ed follows him, standing in front of him. He reaches down to a cabinet and pulls out some files, dropping them to his desk.

"These files hold more information about your condition. With the... you know... color blindness. All I could find was a cure that is temporary but the results I've heard are very successful. There is a way to make it permanent, which led me to dig deep into military files and had help from Sheska, apparently it was from over 50 years ago. But who knows how long that'll take for you. So which do you want to hear about first?" Ed thinks about it, thinking back to each of the treatments.

"Just go in order." As he says this Roy hands him some papers in the file. Some papers had information about people who had the treatment, locations, how effective if was, and other bits of information.

"The first treatment. One of the first patients who had it, has been shown to see color for only one month, then they become completely blind, only seeing darkness. The patient didn't want to live in darkness, shortly killing themselves after they had the treatment. Others had the same results, but as time went by it become better and lasted just a bit longer. Going from one month to a whole year, then back to colorblind. The woman was supposedly a famous state alchemist at the time. She's dead now. But someone has tracked down her work. They have made it their own and claimed it that way. Goes by the name of the Vision Alchemist. It has been said that they use the original woman's alchemy, as well as... the philosopher's stone." Roy finally finishes and takes out the next set of papers.

"The other treatment was from over 50 years ago. It was said to have been spread around by a Xerxesian alchemist, from the same place you are originated from. He fooled around with his alchemy and somehow it spread to anyone else in the area or anyone else of that ethnicity. Though this happened years ago, your father must have spread it to your genes making you this way. There has only been one cure, which is absolutely outrageous. Though apparently it works. If you are born this way, the only way you can see the world back to its original color is by touching the hand of your supposed "soulmate," and they have to feel the same way towards you, or else if won't work. So the one you truly love and loves you back, will help you with the colorblindness." Ed sighs faintly, messing with his hair, feeling some sort of uneasiness.

"Geez! This all sounds like an old fairytale! Just some story! How can finding your "true love" help you see colors again?! You know what?! I'm done with this. How would you know that that dumb method of finding your soulmate works anyways? Were you the same way?" The older on then gets up exhausted by this meeting. He goes closer to the blonde. He grabs him by the wrist. Ed's face starts to turn pink as Roy brings his other hand closer to Ed's which is being lifted up.

"C-colonel. What are you-?" His palm is then brought only inches apart with Roy's.

"Just... let me check something." Their hands are brought together. Palm touching palm. As he looks at the blonde, he realizes he can't see his golden locks. He frowns then pulls away, sitting back down at his desk.

"Colonel... are you... do you...?" Roy clears his throat a blush starting to appear to his cheeks.

"Just go Ed. Meeting is over." Ed comes closer to him.

"R-Roy. I just want to kno-" Roy then slams his hands on his desk looking down at the ground.

"I said go!" He yelled too embarrassed to look up at the blonde. The boy who he thought could be his soulmate. So desperate for love. Though it was all just a figment of his imagination. Ed then leaves Roy's office, his mind only on one thought. Did Roy really love him? Roy sat at his desk. He closed his eyes, not wanting to do any paperwork, too distressed to do anything productive. He drifted off to sleep, completely forgetting about the world.   

"Everything's fine. Perfectly fine."

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