L⃣ate Nights

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It's all so warm and feverish. It's almost as if long before I met him, I've lost all senses, until now. I couldn't feel anything until I touch his smooth, bare, skin. I wasn't able to taste a thing before I had a taste of him and his tongue. I couldn't see at all until I've seen my lover strip himself of all his clothes in front of me. I wouldn't listen to useless noises unless those noises were the moans of him. The smell of my soulmate's scent was the first thing I've smelled in so long. It's almost as if in this moment, all my senses jolted back to life. All five senses came back to me so I could feel, taste, see, listen, and smell him. It's all for him. It's because of him.

My condition is gone. I can see all of the colors. From the bright red in his rosy cheeks, to the lighter skin toned scars scattered all across his tanned body. I could see his piercing golden eyes that displayed ecstasy as my dark onyx eyes traced up and down his naked body that was just below me. His tan body is shaking in anticipation as I slowly bring my face down, sticking out my pink tongue and trailing it all across his skin, and eventually making its way to his metallic grey and silver parts that were added to him. Though he has no feeling in those parts, he feels some sort of pleasure. He bites down on his slightly pink lips with those two front white teeth. I see a clear liquid running down his chin from his mouth, as well as a milky white substance dribbling out of his aroused and excited member.

My dark locks cover my face as I start to add more colors to him. Kissing and sucking his neck, chest, and shoulders that were already covered in dark purple bruises that were surrounded by bite marks which were red from irritation and a bit of blood. As I pull away, Ed reaches his mismatched colored hands behind my back, leaving me with light red scratches from his nails digging into my skin, as well as subtle grey stains from his automail.

Somewhere in the middle of this, I stop with what I was going. Ed notices my distraught. I sigh as I start to stand back up, wanting to walk out that room to recollect my thoughts, until I feel a cold metal hand reach out for my wrist.

"Roy. You already answered all my questions. Don't give me more question that'll be left unanswered. What's wrong?" His voice is gentle though serious. I sigh, trying to think about all that's happening at this moment. It's happening all at once. It's overwhelming, though oddly satisfying.

"Ed... in this moment, I feel the most alive. This is the most alive I've felt. And it just hit me. Ed. You're my soulmate! You made me see the world so much brighter than Maes could ever make it! I... I love you!" Ed looks at Roy a bit confused, though smiles.

'It's just a coverup... I... I can't let him know... not yet...'

'He's still hiding things from me... I just told you... don't give me questions that'll be left unanswered.'

"I'm so glad I've don't that for you. So... are you ready to continue?" Ed asks me, in which I nod my head yes. We go back to what we were doing. Who could've thought? Who would've thought? That love and lust could both be such colorful things. Not just from appearance of you and your partner, but how it feels. It's so hard to describe colorful without using the word 'color,' but if there's color in feelings, then sex is what I would describe as colorful. The heat of the moment, the adrenaline, the ecstasy, the anticipation, the feeling. The feeling of being loved. That is what makes it so colorful. Sure, the sexual pleasure is nice, but it's the fact that you can give your heart, soul, mind, and body to someone that makes the moment perfect. The immediate bond and trust you gain from that one person, all starts from something that's considered a sin. Sex. The feeling... no... the emotions of sex. That's what makes it so colorful.

My condition is gone. I can see all of the colors. Including the ones I found through my soulmate. The colors of love.

^Cheesy. Cheesy last paragraph.

Also if you couldn't notice this chapter is in Roy's point of view instead of it being in third person. (Also I really like how this chapter came out. I think this might be my favorite smut and best smut I've written so far) If you think this is the last chapter, then you are mistaken! We haven't even gotten to the good shit~ (angssstttt~~~) sorry not sorry!

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