T⃣elling the Truth

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"Congrats. Our feelings are the same." Roy finished, causing Edward to look at him in shock.

"But... then why can't I see color?" He asks, Roy responding with walking over to Ed and grabbing his wrist with one hand, using the other to hold his hand and interlock their fingers together.

"Now?" He asked him. It worked. Ed looked around the room that now showed color. From the window that showed off a bright blue sky with white clouds, to the dark haired man standing in front of him. And Roy was just the same. Seeing Ed's golden locks and bright eyes.

"Ed. You're my soulmate... I can't believe this!" Roy exclaimed excitedly. Edward nodded at his excitement. He smiled slightly at him.

"I knew my feelings were still there. Man. The world looks so different now that I have a soulmate. Now that I have a good look of you, you look even more sexy than the rumors." He said with a smirk, Roy chuckling in return.

"And you are just the same way. I... I guess we're a couple now." Roy commented.

"Yeah. I... I love you." Ed told him, Roy smiling at Ed and pulling him into an embrace.

"I love you too, Ed." He responded back, Edward also wrapping his arms around Roy.

"If I remember correctly, this is your second time seeing color?" Ed asked him, Roy nodding and looking away.

"Yeah... he was my first real soulmate. I was born with colorblindness. I realized this and... I wanted to see color. I looked for someone, anyone to love me. Sure, I may have liked and loved multiple people, but it was one sided and they didn't love me back. And vice versa. Then I met my real soulmate.. during my time at military camp. That's where we first met. He was an upperclassman compared to me. We quickly grew an attachment. It's funny because we grew our friendship over quiche." He said with a chuckle, Ed laughing a bit in return.

"Who was that soulmate? Or do I not know them?" He asked.

"You know them actually. Well, knew them... he was a father. With a wife and daughter... he wouldn't shut up about either of them..." he said sadly, Ed immediately knowing who Roy was talking. He gasped.

"Looks like I know why I became colorblind again..."

RoyEd~SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now