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Weeks had passed. Roy hadn't talked to Ed since then. And Ed couldn't take it. Things were becoming worse by the second. Ed had began to cut himself. He knew it wouldn't solve a thing, but that was the only way of him letting out his stress and pain. Ed wouldn't leave Roy alone. Always calling him and trying to get his attention at the office. He'd always make a move, but Roy would always push him away. Ed was agitated. Furious at Roy. He didn't want things to become his way. But they did. And Ed blamed himself for their relationship to become like this. If Ed hadn't snapped at Roy in the first place then none of this would've happened. At least, that's what Ed thought.

It was another month or so until Roy finally answered Ed's call. Ed was relived, almost excited and happy that Roy was calling him back.

"Roy?! Oh my god! I'm so happy to see you've picked up!" Ed exclaimed over the phone happily, almost ready to sob in happiness. Though, that feeling almost instantly faded away.

"Ed... this is probably about the 100th time you've called me since I told you to leave. It's getting annoying! So cut it out and give up already!" Roy yelled about to hang up the phone before Ed said something.

"I'll have sex with you." Ed said abruptly, not thinking about what he said. "If you let me come back, then I'll let you do whatever you want to me... I'll stop calling you... I'll leave you alone... I'll become your fucking sex slave if I have to. I'll do any damn thing to let you back into my life."

"Ed. I don't want sex from you. You don't have to go that far-" Ed interrupted him.

"The only time you were really truly happy with me was when we first had sex. You only want me for my body..."

"Ed that's not-"

"It is true. You felt pure bliss fucking me with your kinky ass foreplay. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I was your mindless sex slave."

"Edward will you knock it off! I'll let you come back if you stop with this nonsense! I don't need you to become my sex slave! I don't need sex from you! I just want to be happy with you! Just please come back to me! I'm a mess without you!" Roy begged and pleaded, making a scene and sounding desperate enough for Ed to believe what he was saying.

"What? You ignore me for a month and push me away, and now you want me back? You slapped me... you ignored me... you yelled at me... why should I believe you?" Ed asked Roy, his voice almost lifeless.

"Ed... I only did that because I didn't want things to become worse... we needed a break... we both weren't happy for whatever reasons... but now I want you back... I miss you so much... please come back to me..." Roy pleaded to Ed. Ed was silent, unsure if he should believe Roy. He gave in. He believed him.

"Okay... I'll come back... I miss you too... please don't push me away again... I... I love you, okay? Please remember that."

"I love you too Ed. I'll see you back at my place then?"

"Of course... bye Roy."


It was a while until Ed went back to Roy's place. He hesitantly knocked on the door. Roy answered and instantly hugged Ed tightly. Ed immediately hugged him back, sobbing into his chest. He smelled his aroma. It didn't smell of alcohol anymore. Roy's eyes weren't bloodshot. He looked like himself again. He seemed to be himself again. Ed looked up and Roy and smiled sadly.

"There's the Roy I fell in love with." Ed said sadly, Roy nodding slightly.

"I'm so sorry about before. I promise I'll never do it again..." Roy said, hugging Ed again. Ed smiled into the hug. A real genuine smile. Roy... poor Roy. He frowned into the hug. The same frown he had before. Only this time, filled with regret and guilt.

Roy seemed to be back to his old self. Though... looks can be deceiving.

Ahhh! I've been on such a huge hiatus! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I'm so busy with school and life and such! Also writers block with so many of my stories! I know I say I'll try to update more often, but that's hard to do when I'm so busy! ;-; (also, sorry if this chapter is a bit shorter than usual)

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