S⃣olving Problems

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At least you aren't colorblind! The phrase that kept Roy awake at night. He paces around his room, thinking about it. He thinks of all these thoughts in his head, having a mental debate with himself. How does he not know? Is it not as obvious as I think? Why can't I just tell him? Why am I hiding it? Why am I keeping it a secret? Should I tell him? I'll think about it. I'll sleep on it. And like he said, he went to sleep, in hopes the next day will go as he planned.

It's morning at Central Command. The same as usual. Boring and filled with piles of paperwork which, of course, Roy is procrastinating on. He had too much on his mind anyway to do anything. He waited rather impatiently for Ed to come to his office. One minute. Five minutes. Twenty minutes. An hour. Finally, after two whole hours or constantly groaning and balancing his pen on the top of his lip, Ed made his way to Roy's office, slamming the door open proving that it was indeed Ed.

"Yo. I'm here. Why did you need me? Have another file that'll lead me to lost faith?" Ed asked rather plainly, having enough of Roy for the month.

"Please close the door. And lock it. It's a discussion about the whole colorblindness." As Roy implies this Ed does as he says and closes and locks the door.

"Why? Have anything else that'll help?" He asked as Roy quickly gets up over to Ed to stand in front of him, crouching down so they meet eye to eye. Ed makes direct eye contact with him not moving an inch.

"Ed. This isn't about you this time." As he speaks his warm breath can be felt along Ed's cheeks which start to heat up as he feels the hot steam that was Roy's voice. A voice that Roy hasn't used around Ed before. One that was deep, serious, smooth even. It had a growl to it. Ed had never heard Roy's voice like this before. Roy with this voice, he meant business.

"Ed. Look deep into my pupils. Study them. Take your time to search through these endless voids. Now once you think you're done, tell me. What do you see? What can you tell about me? Just through my eyes. Can you see anything?" Ed is shocked at the words Roy is speaking. He takes a deep breath in and stares into his eyes.

Silence. Stillness. Stiff. Stirred. Shattered.

Ed takes his time studying both his orbs and his words. He can't speak. Inaudible. Then thinking back to why Roy had called him in the first place, he inwardly gasps.

"Roy. Are you.... like me? Are you colorblind?" Once Ed asks, Roy nods his head and looks away from him feeling some sort of embarrassment or humiliation. Whatever emotion he felt, it wasn't a good one.

"Roy... I'm so sorry... I-I didn't mean what I said before! I-I didn't know you were the same as me! I-I'm truly sorry.." Ed responded, scratching the back of his head. He nervously bit the bottom of his lip. Roy shook his head, smiling at him apologetically.

"It's fine Ed. At least now you know. But we can get through this together. I'm sure soon we'll be able to see color... I wish to see it again." As Roy mentions the word "again," Ed looks at him quizzically.

"Again? What do you mean again?" Ed asks him, Roy shaking his head in reply. He then stands back up and placed his hands on either side of Ed's shoulders.

"That's another story. For another day. For now, we'll end our discussion here. You're dismissed." He told him, Ed want info to know what Roy meant by "again," but knew Roy wouldn't give it away just yet. So Ed decided to just drop it and leave the office like Roy had told him to.

While walking back to his dorm he couldn't stop think about their conversation. How close Roy was to Ed's body, to Ed's face. How deep and serious his tone of voice was. It almost sounds like the same voice Roy would use in the bedroom to show off his dominance. Ed shook his head of those thoughts, feeling his face and ears heat up and his heart raced and bested out of his chest. He felt like he was running out of breath. 'The hell? Why am I thinking of that? Especially with the colonel in mind?' Ed couldn't stop reimagining how their faces were only inches apart. How he could feel Roy's hot breath as he spoke. Just remembering it brought the tiny hairs at the back of his neck to stand and sent chills down the spine. "Damn... this is bad... I can't stop think about him using that voice with me while doing..." Ed covered his mouth with his hand. "Just... feeling his breath against my skin... made me think about where else I could feel that breath and how it would feel against other parts of my body... what? Why am I thinking about that?!" Ed shouted to himself receiving weird looks from higher ups.

"Me and the colonel... tch... like that'll ever happen... if only..."

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