U⃣nderneath it All

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"Please... pick up the phone..." Roy mutters to himself. He was trying to call Ed to see if he could either apologize or make it up to him for the night before. There's an answer. Ed picks up the phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" He said with a dull and bored voice.

"Ed. It's me. Roy. I really needed to-" Ed hangs up the phone before Roy could begin to explain how he made a mistake for ignoring Ed yesterday. Roy sighs placing the phone down, seeing as how he had no other choice, but to talk to him in person. Ed hasn't been in Roy's office at all today, se he made that his excuse for seeing Ed. He got up from his desk in his office and started to walk to Ed's dorm.

Once he made it there he knocked on the door, waiting for a reply. Ed walks up to the door, opening it and seeing Roy. Ed tried to slam the door closed upon seeing Roy, but Roy stopped the door from coming in contact with his face.

"Ed. I'm not going to take you ignoring me as an answer. If you slam the door on me, I'll keep knocking and calling you. You're not getting out of this." He explained to him, Edward making an annoyed face and groaning in disgust.

"Just leave me alone you bastard. I don't want anything to do with you. I am completely and utterly humiliated with myself. And you're-" Roy interrupts him.

"I know. I'm the one to blame for you feeling that way. Look, I made a mistake. I wanted to apologize, but you keep ignoring me and shutting me out before I can say anything."

"Gee, that sure does sound familiar doesn't it?! I'm not going to forgive you that easily. I'm not going to accept your pity. You're a pitiful man, but I'm not going to accept any sappy apology you have, whether that be over the phone or right in my face. You made me lose all confidence and made me think, 'why would I ever think the colonel would love me back? Who would ever love me when I'm too flustered to say anything?!' You... you almost made me see color for the first time... you gave me hope dammit! But it looks like I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Because you don't even love me back.." Roy shakes his head, hesitantly removing his hand from the door.

"But Ed I-" Ed interrupts him this time.

"Save it. I don't want to hear your meaningless apologies. They mean nothing to me. Goodbye Roy." He said, noticing Roy's hand away from the door, giving him the chance to slam the door closed. Roy started to pound his fist against the door, not giving up without a fight.

"Edward! Edward open this door! You didn't let me finish!" Roy yelled through the barrier.

"You didn't let me finish last night's conversation, so why should I let you finish?! Stop calling and pounding on my door or I'll demand for a new superior!" He responded, causing Roy to stop slamming against the door. He sighed, knowing it'd be no use and that what Ed threatened could really happen if he didn't do as Ed said. He couldn't risk losing Ed as a subordinate.

"You still have to come into my office sometime today. We have to discuss something important about your condition." He told Ed through the shut door.

"Understood. I'll come by later. Now leave." He demanded, looking through the peephole to see that Roy had already left.

Roy walked back to his office, waiting for Edward to come by. Hopefully he'll come by. The discussion is going to be very important regarding his colorblindness, as well as Roy's.

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