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Ed looks at Roy amazed that he was learning about all of this.

"Wait. I don't know much about this whole soulmate thing. I don't really know how it works." Ed questioned, Roy knowing much about this topic.

"Well, how a soulmate works is that when they pass away or it becomes one sided, your color fades, along with theirs, if your partner was also colorblind. Well... you know the story of Hughes. He was killed with a gunshot to the chest. After I found out about this... my colorblindness faded away. I couldn't see color anymore, but then I met you. It was one sided ever since I've known you. Then it became two sided today. And I couldn't be any happier." Roy lied, Ed nodding in response.

"Oh.. I'm so sorry that happened to you." He said, Roy looking away sadly.

"There's something that's confusing me though." He added in. Roy looked at Ed worriedly, hoping Ed didn't find him out.

"It's about when I first tried confessing to you." Ed said, Roy sighing in silent relief.

"When I saw color flash before my eyes then fade again. Just earlier I didn't see color until you touched my hand. So if touching your soulmate's hand makes the color come back, how come I saw the color that day, when I didn't even make skin to skin contact with you?" He asked him, Roy already knowing the answer to that.

"You threw that teacup out of my hand. Your hand grazed mine, right as you confessed. In that split second, color came to the both of us, but then you pushed it back to the way it was." He explained to him, Ed responding with and "oh."

"Yeah. I got a small cut on my foot since some of the glass scratched it." Roy said. Ed's eyes widening in return as he looked at him apologetically.

"I'm so sorry. For hurting your foot as well as breaking your teacup.. if that teacup was special to you, then I would feel really bad." Roy shook his head and chuckled a little.

"It's fine. It wasn't that important. Just part of a tea set I wanted to get for myself." Ed nodded, looking back at Roy.

"What are you looking at so giddily?" Roy asked him, Ed's smiling growing brighter.

"You. I like how you look. Now that I know what colors are on you."

"I don't have many colors to offer. I have black hair and black eyes. Bland colors." Roy said back, Ed shaking his head in disagreement.

"Really? Because I see a bundle of colors in you. Not from your appearance. From your eyes. When I look in them, I see the colors of love~" Ed responded, kissing his cheek then started to head out of the door.

"See ya, colonel boyfriend~!" Ed teased before leaving the office with a bright smile on his face. On his way back to his dorm, he remembered how Roy lost his color after Hughes died. Then he remembered.

"...he was a father. With a wife and a daughter."

What ever happened with Gracia? If Roy was with Hughes until he died, wouldn't that mean that Hughes cheated on Gracia with Roy? Or is it that Roy so hiding something else? Something just didn't add up with that story. Even with the daughter born? How? Wouldn't it then become one sided? Or did Hughes feel no love for Gracia? There's no way that could be the answer. With that way he brags to everyone about those two.

"Roy Mustang... you are always hiding something... you keep leaving me with questions left unanswered..."

RoyEd~SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now