O⃣pen Hearts

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Roy sighed. Ed was leaving to Resembool for a few days. All for the sake of Roy clearing his head of his so called, "sickness." Roy didn't want this. He didn't get to tell Ed what he wanted to tell him that day. He wasn't going to let Ed get very far without telling him how he's really been feeling. After shedding more tears and thinking hard and long, it finally clicked. Why Roy had been feeling so sad. Why his depression just became so bad. He couldn't wait any longer to tell Ed. He couldn't wait until Ed returned. If he did, he might've had a bullet in his head by the time Ed came back. He had to tell him. Fast.

"Dammit... pick up the phone... please.." Roy dialed his number. Hoping the phone by the train station would be picked up by Ed. Ed would always sit by the phone, waiting for his train. He had to answer. The continuous ringing finally stopped.

"Hello? This is Edward Elric speaking." Edward said through the phone, not knowing who it was until he heard Roy's familiar voice. His familiar voice paired with the familiar sobs he had heard before.

"I can't keep this in anymore! I-I feel like fucking dying! I have to tell you now before you leave! I can't fucking do this alone! I'm a fucking mess without you! I'm so depressed because... because of what you told me! I finally realized why! After you told me that... you thought I didn't love you... I realized... I thought... I believed... that somehow... you... you didn't love me anymore! That it's all fake! That somehow you're still showing me love without that soulmate crap getting in the way! It reminded me of Hughes!" Ed's eyes widened. He was shocked. He stayed silent, letting Roy finished. Letting Roy speak. Letting him say what need to be said.

"I was still able to see color even when he openly told me he was with someone else! There was still hope! I still had hope! That somewhere deep within him... he still loved me! But then things changed! He loved her more! My color faded! Then became nothing! I'm afraid... I'm afraid the same thing's happening with you! I don't want you to be the same! You can't fake your love for me too! You can't! You just can't! Please Ed!! Please!! Don't fake it! You can't be!! You can't!!" Roy cried through the phone, breaking down. He then dropped the phone, Ed hanging up once hearing him stop speaking and start weeping. Roy heard the line go dead. He panicked.

I know this one is shorter than the others. I did have more written down, but I just wanted to save it for the next chapter. Cliffhanger, I know. But don't worry about that. It (hopefully) wont be too long before I publish the next chapter. That's all! Cya!

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