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Ed had been blind. This whole time. He took mental notes, but never realized it until he actually saw it. Ed had been staying with Roy for a few weeks, but never knew that when Ed wasn't there he'd be crying in his bedroom with the door locked. Ed was going to go to his dorm real quick, only to stay where he was, waiting to hear that click of the door locking, then hearing Roy's sobs from outside his room. He would press his ear against the entrance almost everyday, hoping Roy would drop hints as to what he's crying about. It was always the same thing.

"Why?" "What's going on?" "What's wrong with me?" "What do I do?" "Why am I sad?"

He'd always repeat those words. Everyday he'd cry. He'd ask himself that. Leaving Ed with clueless.

One day at Roy's office, he hears the door open. Hoping. Wishing. Begging. Praying. It was Ed. Which it was.

"Yo! How're you today?" Ed asked him that same question. Roy responding with a nod or a lie. Not today.

"Baby... if I'm being honest... I feel like shit. I'm just... physically and emotionally hurt. And... sad. I don't know why, but I just am... I've felt this way for a while, but I didn't want to tell you because I thought there want a need to. But now... I just wanna get it out of my chest." Roy told him. Roy felt relief. But it didn't last long.

"Hmm... maybe you're getting sick?" Ed asked him. Shattered. Roy's heart. Shattered.

"S-sick...?" Roy questioned.

"Yeah. It's practically allergy season. Your allergies could be acting up. Making you sick. And most people would become sad all of a sudden because they're sick. Maybe that's why?" Ed suggested, Roy instantly feeling his heart sink.

"I... no... there's no way that's what it is... I-" Ed interrupts him.

"You could always ask a doctor. They could give you medicine if you have the flu or some other illness..." Ed said, not paying attention to what Roy is saying.

"No! Ed listen! I-"

"Or maybe you just need to sleep off your sickness rather than take medicine. I feel like you haven't been getting much sleep."

"You don't understand! Ed please-!"

"Maybe I'll ask a doctor for you. You should just stay in bed and try to sleep. You shouldn't be staying at work. That could make things worse. As well as it might spread." Roy groaned frustratedly.

"Edward! Just go!" Roy shouted, causing Ed to stop taking and look at Roy surprised.

"W-what? You... want me to leave? But... baby, I'm just trying to help-"

"Well stop trying! You're ignoring me! You're being completely ignorant of what I'm trying to tell you! If you won't listen to me, then just go!" Roy said.

"Roy... I just..."

"Just what?! Gonna keep passing this off as a sickness?! I know for a fact it's not that!" Ed looked down at the ground.

"Roy... I should just go... I'll go somewhere else for a while. I don't want you to be upset with me. And I don't want to make you more upset... maybe it'll clear your mind of whatever the fuck is going on with you.."

"Maybe it will..." Roy responded quietly.

"Fine. I'll see you soon then. Hopefully by then you won't be this way. I sure as hell don't want you to be this way. I want the old Roy back. The one that wouldn't yell at me... all because I ignored him. Don't forget. You did the same to me..."

RoyEd~SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now